
Tourette Syndrome: Get the Facts on Treatment and Symptoms

What is Tourette syndrome? Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary movements and vocalizations called tics. The disorder is named for Dr. Georges Gilles de la Tourette, the pioneering French neurologist who in 1885 first described the condition in an 86-year-old French noblewoman. The early symptoms of Tourette syndrome are …

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Parry-Romberg Syndrome: Facts on the Disease and Diagnosis

What is and what causes Parry-Romberg syndrome? Parry-Romberg syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by slowly progressive deterioration (atrophy) of the skin and soft tissues of half of the face (hemifacial atrophy), usually the left side. It is more common in females than in males. What are the signs and symptoms of Parry-Romberg syndrome? Readers Comments 7 Share Your Story …

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Temporal Lobe Resection: Read About Surgery and Side Effects

Introduction The largest part of the brain, the cerebrum, is divided into four paired sections — the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes. Each lobe controls a specific group of activities. The temporal lobe, located on either side of the brain just above the ear, plays an important role in hearing, language, and memory. In people with temporal lobe epilepsy, …

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Parkinson’s Disease and Eating Right: Tips to Stay Healthy

Introduction to eating right with Parkinson’s disease While there is no special diet required for people with Parkinson’s disease, eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet is extremely beneficial. With the proper diet, our bodies work more efficiently, we have more energy, and Parkinson’s disease medications will work properly. This article addresses the basics of good nutrition. Please consult your doctor or …

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Parkinson’s Disease: Information About Clinical Trials

Introduction to Clinical Trials for Parkinson’s Disease You may have heard about clinical trials from your doctor, read or heard advertisements in the newspaper or on the radio, or found out about trials in your area through a support group or association. Before you decide to participate in a trial, you should be aware of the potential benefits and risks. …

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Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) and Parkinson’s Disease

Introduction to Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Progressive supranuclear palsy, or PSP, is a rare neurodegenerative disease that is often misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s disease because it carries similar symptoms. Because of its rarity, PSP is mostly unknown by the general public. What Causes PSP? PSP develops because of the deterioration of brain cells in a few small, but very important areas at …

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Lesionectomy: Read About Surgery, Side Effects and Recovery

What Is a Lesionectomy? A lesionectomy is an operation to remove a lesion — a damaged or abnormally functioning area — in the brain. Brain lesions include tumors, scars from a head injury or infection, abnormal blood vessels, and hematomas (a swollen area filled with blood). A lesion causes seizures — also called the seizure focus — in about 20% …

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Lead Poisoning: Get Facts on Symptoms and Treatment

Lead Poisoning Tips Lead poisoning is entirely preventable. The key is stopping children from coming into contact with lead and treating children who have been poisoned by lead. The goal is to prevent lead exposure to children before they are harmed. There are many ways parents can reduce a child’s exposure to lead. The key is stopping children from coming …

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Seizures: Read About Symptoms and Types

Epilepsy and an overview of the types of seizures Based on the type of behavior and brain activity, seizures are divided into two broad categories: generalized and partial (also called local or focal). Classifying the type of seizure helps physicians diagnose whether or not a patient has epilepsy. Generalized seizures are produced by electrical impulses from throughout the entire brain, …

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