
Who Is Most Likely to Get Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s factors Most people with Alzheimer’s are 65 years of age and older. One in 10 people who is 65 years old and older has Alzheimer’s. After the age of 65 years old, the risk doubles every five years. Age, family history, genetics, chemical exposure, infections and other factors play a role in who gets …

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What Are the Symptoms of Dysautonomia?

Dysautonomia is also called autonomic dysfunction or autonomic neuropathy. The symptoms of dysautonomia include fainting, dizziness, balance problems, brain fog, chest pain, palpitations, trouble swallowing, sleep problems and other issues. Dysautonomia is also called autonomic dysfunction or autonomic neuropathy. This term is used to define medical conditions that cause the malfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS is …

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Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment, Causes, Medication, Symptoms

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) causes symptoms, such as a strong urge to move the legs while in bed trying to sleep. It may also cause burning, tingling, and aching in the legs, and potentially lead to insomnia.Source: Photodisc/Getty Images Restless leg syndrome definition and facts Restless leg syndrome is a condition marked by a strong urge to mover the legs …

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How Do You Do the Epley Maneuver?

Six steps of the Epley maneuver This is a series of steps you can do at home to help reposition the canalith (bone-like pieces inside the ear canals) and help relieve dizziness or vertigo. Perform the Epley maneuver in six steps. This is a series of steps you can do at home to help reposition the canalith (bone-like pieces inside …

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Hematoma Definition, Pictures, Treatment, Symptoms, Signs

A close-up of an under eye hematoma.Source: iStock Facts you should know about hematoma A hematoma is a collection of blood outside of a blood vessel. There are several types of hematomas and they are often described based on their location. Examples of hematomas include subdural, spinal, under the finger or toenail bed (subungual), ear, and liver (hepatic). Some causes …

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How Long Does the Meningitis Vaccine Last?

What is meningitis? There are two vaccines that help protect against the varieties, or serotypes, of the most common meningococcal bacteria in the US. The MenACWY (conjugate) vaccines last around five years and the MenB (recombinant) vaccines last around one or two years. Meningitis is the inflammation of the membranes that cover your brain and spinal cord. It can happen …

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What Is the Role of the Hypothalamus?

What is the hypothalamus? The hypothalamus is a part of the midbrain. An important function of the hypothalamus is to link the nervous system to the endocrine (hormonal) system through the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus is considered the regulator of all hormonal functions in the body. The hypothalamus is a part of the midbrain. It is named that because of …

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Elepsia XR (levetiracetam) Seizure Drug Side Effects & Warnings

Generic drug: levetiracetam Brand name: Elepsia XR What is Elepsia XR (levetiracetam), and how does it work? What is Elepsia XR and how is it used? Elepsia XR (levetiracetam) is a prescription medicine taken by mouth that is used with other medicines to treat partial onset seizures in people 12 years of age and older. It is not known if …

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What Are the Symptoms of Sensory Processing Disorder?

What are the symptoms of sensory processing disorder? Sensory processing disorder (SPD) or sensory integration disorder is a collection of challenges that occur when sensations fail to respond properly to the outside world. The cause of sensory processing disorder is unknown, but genetics, congenital conditions and environmental factors may be to blame. People with sensory processing disorder (SPD) fall into …

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What Are 10 Signs of Vertigo?

What is vertigo? Vertigo is a false sense of motion that can occur while you are still or while you are moving. Feelings that you or everything around you is spinning or moving, loss of balance, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea are some of the main signs of vertigo. Vertigo is a symptom that can be a sign of a more serious …

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