healthy kids

How Long Do You Let Your Baby Cry it Out?

Crying nonstop for too long likely means there's something wrong. If no amount of soothing seems to work, and crying continues for three hours, then your doctor may help. Babies cry to tell you what they're feeling. Whether it's discomfort, hunger, or pain, crying is how they communicate it. Their crying can also take a …

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When Does Taking Care of a Newborn Get Easier?

Milestones that make parenting your newborn easier As your newborn passes through the milestones of learning to self-soothe, outgrowing colic, and sleeping through the night, parenting your newborn will get easier. Caring for a newborn isn’t easy, but this challenging stage will not last long. Take a deep breath and look for these milestones in your newborn's near future. With …

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How Do You Comfort a Sick Baby?

Babies commonly get six to eight colds per year. Comfort a sick baby by using saline nasal spray with suction, increasing humidity, giving warm fluids, heaving them sleep on an incline and using medications for pain and fever as advised by your pediatrician. When your baby is sick, it's miserable for everyone. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for babies to have …

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How to Keep Your Child Safe From Bullying?

What is bullying? In addition to simply talking to your kids about bullying, make a practice of asking your kids about their day and their feelings. Bullying often happens at school, summer camp, afterschool programs, or online. It can range from teasing to posting rumors online to physical threats of violence. Bullying can lead to emotional trauma. Luckily, as a …

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What Can Parents Do to Help Their Child With ADHD?

Why are children with ADHD challenging? Children who have ADHD can be hard to parent. Parents can help their child with ADHD by focusing on their child's strength, keeping their child busy, encouraging outdoor activities, helping their child get restful sleep and creating structure in the home. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is one of the most common conditions …

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What Caused My Child to Identify With a Different Gender?

What is gender? Kids discover things about themselves as they get older. There's no one reason someone is transgender. As your child gets older, they'll question things about themselves. They'll make discoveries about who they are, and their gender is no exception. It's essential to understand the many facets of gender to support them during their journey fully. Gender comes …

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How Do I Get My Baby to Sleep Longer at Night?

It’s never too early to create a bedtime routine for your baby. Some of the things to include in your sleep routine include soothing activities, calming, shushing, and swaddling if your baby enjoys it. It's not uncommon for babies to wake up many times at night. You may wish your baby could sleep longer and allow you to rest after …

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What Are the Main Causes of Sibling Rivalry?

What does sibling rivalry consist of? Siblings may be jealous of and harbor resentment toward one another. The main causes of sibling rivalry are lack of social skills, concerns with fairness, individual temperaments, special needs, parenting style, parent's conflict resolution skills and culture. In many families, the children count their siblings among their friends. But it’s also common for siblings …

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How Do You Raise Twins Alone?

Even as an experienced parent, you may not know what to expect when you bring home newborn twins. Although the journey is challenging, you will learn tactics to help you overcome any difficulties you face. Even as an experienced parent, you may not know what to expect when you bring home newborn twins. Although the journey is challenging, you will …

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What Age is Hardest to Parent?

A recent survey showed that parents of 12- to 14-year-old teens had a harder time than parents of toddlers, elementary school children, high school children, and adult children. From toddler tantrums to teen angst, parenting children at any age can be tough. Research shows that some people find it hardest to parent children in their middle school years. Puberty and …

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