healthy kids

How Should Parents Deal With Underage Drinking?

Set a good example Having an open discussion with your teen about alcohol is often the best course of action. Try to begin a dialogue by using appropriate communication tactics. Parenting teenagers is difficult, and parents may feel helpless when it comes to their teens abusing alcohol. The truth is there is a lot you …

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How Do I Confront My Teen About Drugs?

Make your rules on drug abuse clear Rules surrounding drug use should be clear and consistent to encourage your teen to follow them. Parenting can be tricky, especially when handling a teen. One common hurdle is teen drug abuse. By talking openly with your teen about drugs, you can strengthen your relationship and improve communication. An open conversation can allow …

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Why Is Stepparenting Harder Than Parenting?

You may find stepparenting harder than parenting because you expect too much, as many stepparents do. You may believe that love will occur quickly and naturally. Say you are a stepparent or about to become one. You may assume that your stepchildren will welcome your love and attention, especially if the kids have been through a rough passage.   But it's …

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When Should I Be Concerned About My Sick Baby?

There are several serious symptoms like fever and vomiting, you should never ignore in your baby. Although there may be no cause for alarm, it is better to be on the lookout. Occasional fevers and infections are common concerns as your baby grows. However, even with some experience with sick babies, it’s natural to worry when your baby is unwell. …

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How Do I Deal with Mother’s (Dad’s) Guilt?

Where does parenting guilt come from? Being a parent gets you in touch with your protective side. Deal with mother's or dad's guilt by having realistic expectations, ditching perfectionism, envisioning success, being mindful of parenting content you take in and being compassionate with yourself. Being a parent can bring out the most loving, most protective versions of ourselves. Experiencing the …

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When and How Should Parents Talk to Their Kids About Death?

When you start a conversation about death with your child, keep their stage of development in mind. If you were to list your favorite aspects of parenting, teaching a child about death would likely not be in your top 10. That's because death is such a painful topic, even for adults. But parenting experts remind us that children of almost …

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How Common Is Tongue-Tie in Babies? Newborns and Ankyloglossia

Tongue-tie, or ankyloglossia, occurs in about 4 to 11 percent of newborns and is characterized by an excessively tight lingual frenulum. About 4 to 11 percent of babies are born with tongue-tie (ankyloglossia), which is a condition present since birth that confines the tongue's scope of movement. Frenula are little strings of tissue found in different places of the mouth, …

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How Should I Prepare My Kids That Are Going Back to School During COVID-19?

As you start preparing your kids for back to school during COVID-19, there are some ways like wearing a mask and handwashing that can help keep them safe and healthy. Though the COVID-19 pandemic isn't over, widespread vaccines and a growing understanding of how the coronavirus spreads are allowing schools to offer in-person learning this fall. Many kids and parents …

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What Are the Steps to Bathe a Newborn?

Giving your newborn baby a bath can feel a bit intimidating, but if you follow some easy steps to bathing a newborn, those first baths can be not only safe but also calming, memorable, and even fun. Bringing home a new baby is an exciting time for many families. Especially for first-time parents, there can be lots of questions about …

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How Long Do You Let Your Baby Cry it Out?

Crying nonstop for too long likely means there's something wrong. If no amount of soothing seems to work, and crying continues for three hours, then your doctor may help. Babies cry to tell you what they're feeling. Whether it's discomfort, hunger, or pain, crying is how they communicate it. Their crying can also take a toll on you. You may …

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