healthy kids

How To Deal With Preteen (Tween) Attitude?

How To Deal With Preteen (Tween) Attitude? Learn about tips that may help you deal with your tween's attitude. Most behaviors that you might encounter with your preteen (tweens) are pretty normal. Preteenhood usually ranges from the age of nine to twelve years. Handling a tween or preteen attitude can be quite hard. As a …

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How Do I Deal With My Teenager’s Attitude?

It's challenging to parent a teenager, especially one who has an attitude. Teenage years are very delicate years. This is the phase where children are transitioning to adulthood. The phase is riddled with the need for freedom that comes with adulthood, however, it is also full of hormones that might lead to many internal conflicts. A spike in hormones might …

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How Do I Know If My Baby is Developing Normally?

The first few years of a baby's life are comprised of a variety of milestones. A lot happens in the course of your baby’s first few years. Most babies make certain similar developments at the same time. However, child development is not a fixed science, and your baby is likely to grow and develop at their own unique pace. Besides …

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How Can I Be a Better Parent to My Teenager?

Parenting a teenager isn't easy, but there are things you can do to make the process easier. Most parents might agree that parenting a teenager is not an easy journey. Adapting to your child's behavior can be pretty challenging. Recklessness, open defiance, mood swings, and endless fights are among the most common behaviors parents have to adapt to when raising …

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Baby Ear Infection Symptoms: Spot the Signs of Ear Infection

Baby ear infection symptoms can include signs of irritability, tugging on the ears, an unpleasant smell and discharge coming from the ears, and more. Learn all the signs here. Ear infections are painful and often happen to babies before they even learn how to talk. Fortunately, learning the signs and symptoms of an ear infection could help alleviate your child’s …

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The 3 Types of Pfeiffer Syndrome & What Causes Them

Pfeiffer syndrome is a genetic disorder that results from mutations in FGFR1 and FGFR2 genes, with the abnormal gene inherited from either parent or the result of a new mutation. Pfeiffer syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by the premature fusion of skull bones and abnormally broad and medially deviated thumbs and great toes. This early fusion prevents the skull …

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How Do I Know If My Baby Has RSV? Signs & Symptoms

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) symptoms often resemble a cold. Learn how to recognize signs of RSV in your baby Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), also called human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) and human orthopneumovirus, causes infections of the respiratory tract.  Almost all babies get RSV at some point before they reach 2 years old. For most healthy babies, symptoms are similar …

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What Does ADHD Look Like in Preschoolers? Signs & Symptoms

ADHD symptoms in kids can be difficult to recognize, especially in preschoolers. Here’s how you can tell if your preschooler has ADHD ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders affecting children, often diagnosed in school-aged children over 6 years old. However, it can also be diagnosed in children as young as 3. Of course, it’s normal for preschoolers …

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Why Is Autism Increasing Dramatically?

ASD includes a broad spectrum of disorders that affects social skills, speech, movement, learning, cognition, mood and behavior. Rates of autism are increasing dramatically because of increased awareness and screening, better access to healthcare and broadened diagnostic criteria. Let us start by reiterating some facts about autism. Multiple large-scale studies have established, with adequate proof, that vaccines do not cause …

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How to Treat and Prevent Drool Rash

Drooling becomes noticeable between three to six months of age, which is caused by increased salivation (sialorrhea) that may be due to teething or the baby putting things in the mouth out of curiosity. Babies move through several milestones in the early months of development that include babbling, drooling, and blowing bubbles and raspberries.  Drooling becomes noticeable between three to …

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