chronic pain

Shin Splints Treatment, Stretches, Recovery, Prevention, Causes

Facts you should know about shin splints Shin splints are injuries to the front of the outer leg caused by overuse, and typically happens to runners or aggressive walkers. Shin splint pain can be extreme enough to prevent you from working out. Rest is usually the best treatment for shin splints, and you can also …

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Oxycodone vs. Tramadol: Pain, Side Effects, Dosage & Warnings

Oxycodone vs. tramadol: What’s the difference? Oxycodone is a semi-synthetic narcotic (opiate) pain medication. It is synthesized from thebaine, a part of the poppy plant. Tramadol is a schedule IV, man-made (synthetic) pain reliever (analgesic). It is not a narcotic medication, and it is not a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs). Oxycodone is classified as a Schedule II drug by the …

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How Do I Get My Body to Stop Aching?

Why does my body ache? Body aches can occur for a variety of reasons. You can experience body pain when the weather changes, when you contract a virus, or from exercise and repetitive movement. Body aches are pains that develop throughout your body. This often occurs in your muscles, bones, and joints. Some people experience widespread pain all over the …

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How Do You Treat Tendonitis in the Foot?

What is tendonitis in the foot? To treat tendonitis in the foot, stop all physical activities. Use the RICE method: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Tendons are tissue cords in your body that attach muscles to bones. When your tendons become damaged and cause irritation or inflammation, it’s called tendonitis. Tendonitis causes acute pain, swelling, and tenderness in the affected area. …

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What Does It Mean When Your Sternum Hurts?

What is sternum pain? Sternum pain is caused by many different conditions that can all present with similar symptoms. These conditions’ symptoms are more specific than just general pain in the area. Chest pain can be alarming if you're not familiar with the conditions that can cause it. Heart attacks and heart disease are commonly associated with chest pain, but …

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What Is the Treatment for Sacroiliitis?

What is sacroiliitis? Treatments for sacroiliitis include medications, home care, and alternative therapies. Sacroiliitis occurs when the sacroiliac joints become inflamed. These joints are located at the lower part of your spine where it connects to your pelvic area, close to your hips. This condition is also known as sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Either term can be used to describe pain …

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What Are the Most Common Shoulder Injuries? 6 Common Types

What is a shoulder injury? Common shoulder injuries include shoulder sprain, strain, tear, bone fracture, impingement, and frozen shoulder. A shoulder injury is an injury to any of the structures in the shoulder joint, including bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and cartilages. Shoulders are easily injured because they have a complex structure that provides a wide range of motion. They are …

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What Is the Best Treatment for Shoulder Tendonitis?

What is shoulder tendonitis? The treatment plan will depend on your symptoms, your age, the severity of the condition, and your general health. Your shoulder is capable of a wide range of motion, and you use it in almost all daily activities. When you have shoulder pain, it can have a huge impact on your ability to live a normal …

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Sciatica Pain: Relief, Exercise, Symptoms, Strech, Diagnosis & Treatment

Sciatica is a pain in the lower extremity resulting from irritation of the sciatic nerve.Source: Bigstock Sciatica facts Sciatica is nerve pain from irritation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. The sciatic nerve begins from nerve roots in the spinal cord in the low back and extends through the buttock area to …

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Muscle Spasms: 3 Types, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Duration

A woman experiences a muscle spasm in her back. The spasm occurs abruptly, is painful, and is usually short-lived. It may be relieved by gently stretching the muscle.Source: iStock Muscle spasm facts Spasms can affect many different types of muscles in the body, leading to many different symptoms. Spasms of skeletal muscles are most common and are often due to …

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