Fox News

How Long Is a Person Contagious With Mono?

After exposure to the virus, someone with mono can be contagious for months, even before symptoms start and after symptoms subside Infectious mononucleosis, also called mono, is a contagious disease most commonly caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). It’s unclear how long someone with mono is contagious, although they are definitely contagious while they have …

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How Long Do You Let Your Baby Cry it Out?

Crying nonstop for too long likely means there's something wrong. If no amount of soothing seems to work, and crying continues for three hours, then your doctor may help. Babies cry to tell you what they're feeling. Whether it's discomfort, hunger, or pain, crying is how they communicate it. Their crying can also take a toll on you. You may …

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How Long Do Babies Have Their Mother’s Immune System?

Babies can enjoy extended protection from their mother's immune systems for a great deal longer if they are breastfed. When babies are first born, their immune systems are not yet fully matured. This can mean they're more vulnerable to infections or illnesses. There are two ways in which a newborn baby's immune system is supported until it is strong enough …

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How Do You Treat Male PE? 3 Treatment Methods

Premature ejaculation (PE) may be embarrassing, but it can be treated. Learn about behavioral, psychological, and pharmacological treatment methods Premature ejaculation (PE) is a medical condition in which a man ejaculates too quickly, often before or very shortly after he has penetrated his partner. In many cases, premature ejaculation resolves on its own over time and treatment may not be …

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Sexually Transmitted Infections: How Do You Get Tested for STIs?

You can get tested for sexually transmitted infections from a health clinic, your doctor’s office or at-home testing kits. Getting tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is the only way to know for sure if you have an STI. This is because many people with STIs show no symptoms, yet they could be capable of transmitting the disease to others …

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How Do You Calm an Angry Child Down?

What is anger? As parents, you should let your children know that getting angry sometimes is okay. But, you also need to teach them how to quickly release anger by using these techniques. Anger is the feeling of being mad, ticked off, frustrated, or furious. Feeling anger is healthy and okay. But, it can turn into a problem when it …

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What Does Social Anxiety Feel Like? Social Phobia Symptoms

People affected by social anxiety or social phobia often feel intense fear or anxiety of being judged or criticized while being in a social situation. Social anxiety or social phobia refers to intense fear or anxiety of being judged, rejected or criticized while performing or being in a social situation. The affected person has an intense and uncontrollable fear that …

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What Causes Skin Discoloration? Vitiligo, Rosacea, Albinism

Skin discoloration may result from several factors, such as excessive sun exposure, hormonal fluctuations, autoimmune diseases and genetics. Several factors can cause skin discoloration. The most common reason is excessive sun exposure without protection, in which some parts of the skin become darker in color than others. Typically appearing as brown spots or patches, these areas are made up of …

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What Are the Worst Foods for High Cholesterol? What to Avoid

What foods are high in bad cholesterol? Learn about the worst foods to avoid if you have high cholesterol If you have high cholesterol, you need to be especially careful about what you include in your diet. In general, the worst foods for high cholesterol are those with tons of: Sugar Salt Bad fats (trans-fats, hydrogenated fat, or partially hydrogenated …

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What Are the 9 Causes of Depression? Effects of Depression

Depression is caused by a combination of biological, environmental, psychological and genetic factors. Here are the top nine causes of depression. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression affects about 6.7 percent of the U.S. population. Depression is caused by a combination of biological, environmental, psychological and genetic factors. Here are the top nine causes of depression: Heredity …

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