Fox News

What Is Vocal Cordotomy? Procedure, Complications, Causes

Vocal cordotomy is a procedure performed to treat bilateral vocal fold paralysis. Vocal cordotomy or carbon dioxide laser endoscopic posterior cordotomy is a popular minimally invasive procedure performed to treat bilateral vocal fold (cord) paralysis. It is a laser-assisted incision of one or both vocal cords to widen the airway. Vocal cordotomy is often preferred …

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What Are the Best Foods to Eat and Not Eat on a Ketogeneic (Keto) Diet?

How does a ketogenic diet work? A ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet that causes your body to rely on ketone bodies for energy. The best foods to eat on a ketogenic diet are meats and non-starchy vegetables and the worst foods to eat are high-fat meats and ketogenic snack foods. A ketogenic diet, commonly called a keto diet, …

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Do Schizophrenics Feel Emotions?

What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a major mental illness that affects how the brain processes information. Research on schizophrenia and emotions has revealed that people with schizophrenia lack the ability to recognize and express emotion. One of the most debilitating and unrelenting of all major mental illnesses is schizophrenia. It usually appears between the ages of 16 and 30 in …

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Can You Be Too Heavy for Weight-Loss Surgery?

What is weight loss surgery?  Weight loss surgery is an effective way for people with significant excess weight to improve their health. There is no official upper limit on weight for weight loss surgery candidates. Weight loss surgery is an effective way for people with significant excess weight to improve their health. It is a serious surgery, and not everyone …

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What Is the Healthiest Blood Type?

What determines blood type? Blood type categorizes blood by what it contains and it includes the Rhesus or Rh factor and antigens. Though nothing is definitive, your blood type can put you at a higher risk for certain medical conditions. Many people are unsure of their blood types. You may not know that your blood type can make you more …

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Why Does My Blood Sugar Fluctuate So Much? Causes

Learn about can cause your blood sugar to fluctuate and how you can keep your glucose levels under control Whether you were just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or have been living with it for some time, you are probably aware of how volatile blood sugar levels can be and how critical it is to keep them under control.  According …

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Is Peanut Butter Good for Weight Loss? Nutrient Chart, 15 Benefits

Peanut butter is rich in calories. Hence, it should not be consumed in excess quantity. Peanut butter (available in chunky and creamy versions) is considered quite healthy due to its good fats, antioxidants, and protein content. It is, however, high in calories (approximately 100 calories in one tablespoon) and fat content and must be consumed in the right quantity and …

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Can You Do a Brazilian With an Epilator?

What’s a Brazilian? You can do a Brazilian with an epilator — but you should know that using an epilator may not be the best choice for doing a full Brazilian. An epilator may be better for maintaining a Brazilian wax. You can use it to make sure your bikini line stays smooth. A Brazilian is a waxing method used …

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How Do You Place a Central Line With Ultrasound Guidance?

Learn about how a central line placement is done under ultrasound guidance Central line placement under ultrasound guidance helps with more accurate placement of a central venous catheter while lowering the risk of associated complications. Ultrasound guidance helps provide accurate anatomy of the site where the catheter is to be placed and thus results in fewer puncture attempts. During an …

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Is Bypass Surgery Safe for a 75-Year-Old? Survival Rate

Most patients after CABG surgery get improvement or total remission of their symptoms and stay symptom-free for many years. Every year, more than 300,000 people worldwide have bypass surgery. Above 70 percent of patients undergoing bypass surgery are older than 70 years. When advising a bypass surgery, surgeons consider age, general health, and any underlying diseases of the patient.  People …

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