Fox News

6 Symptoms of Primary Progressive MS: Causes & Treatment

PPMS becomes worse with time and has almost no symptom-free period. The presence of symptoms of primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) and the degree to which they affect a person might vary greatly. A few more major or minor symptoms of PPMS include: Weakness and tiredness Bladder and bowel dysfunction Fatigue Depression Numbness Tingling Shakiness …

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Does Rheumatoid Arthritis Increase Cardiovascular Risk? 4 Causes

Rheumatoid arthritis-related inflammation can affect the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune and inflammatory disease, which usually affects joints, and can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Studies revealed that the rate of cardiovascular events, such as heart attack or stroke, is much higher in people with RA than in …

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Is Retinal Migraine Serious? 5 Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Retinal migraine occurs when the blood vessels in the eye suddenly constrict, reducing the blood flow to the eye. Retinal migraine is described by the presence of transient vision loss in one eye that may or may not be followed by a headache. Vision disturbances can occur during a migraine aura but they affect both the eyes. Though the migraine …

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Is Psoriasis a COVID-19 Risk? Vaccine Risks & Symptoms

The symptoms of COVID-19 in psoriasis patients are similar to other people without psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune, inflammatory condition that primarily affects the skin. Because the condition is caused by an overactive immune system, the treatment involves using medications to calm the immune system (immunomodulatory effect). With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, researchers and health experts are concerned whether …

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Is Primary Progressive MS the Worst Kind? 27 Symptoms & 5 Types

Each patient may have a unique experience with PPMS due to varied symptoms. Primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) affects 10 to 15 percent of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and is characterized by a slow but constant increase in neurological impairment. PPMS is an uncommon kind of MS. According to studies, people with PPMS have a worse prognosis than those …

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Is Gestational Diabetes the Same as Diabetes Mellitus?

Since gestational diabetes often does not cause symptoms, prenatal screening tests are recommended for all pregnant women Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes mellitus (DM) that develops during pregnancy and goes away after the birth of the baby. Women diagnosed with gestational diabetes do not have a previous history of diabetes. The condition has a 30%-70% likelihood of recurring …

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Is Genital Psoriasis Life-Threatening? Treatment & Prevention

Genital psoriasis is not an STD, but it can cause significant discomfort and embarrassment Genital psoriasis is neither life-threatening nor contagious. However, it can be uncomfortable and more difficult to treat than other types of psoriasis. Due to feelings of shame or embarrassment, many people with genital psoriasis avoid seeking medical treatment. In addition, the disease can also interfere with …

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Is Erythrodermic Psoriasis Rare? Symptoms & Treatment

Erythrodermic psoriasis causes red and scaly skin plaques that cover more than 90% of the body Erythrodermic psoriasis is a very rare and potentially fatal form of psoriasis that affects about 1%-2.2% percent of people with the condition. Symptoms of this chronic autoimmune disease are severe and can cause damage to skin, hair, and nails. In some cases, it can …

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How Do You Stop Guttate Psoriasis From Spreading? 12 Tips

Here are 12 tips for stopping guttate psoriasis from spreading Guttate psoriasis typically appears suddenly and can spread to other parts of the body. Since guttate psoriasis can be triggered by various factors, there is no definitive way to stop it from spreading. However, you can lower the risk of triggering a guttate psoriasis flare-up with the following preventative measures. …

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How Do You Get Rid of Genital Psoriasis? 6 Ways to Treat

Learn about 6 ways to relieve symptoms of genital psoriasis and improve the appearance of the skin Genital psoriasis has no cure, but treatment can help manage symptoms and prevent flare-ups. Because the skin around the genitals is thin and delicate, genital psoriasis can be difficult to treat. It is important to consult a doctor to determine safe and effective treatment …

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