Why Would You Have a Salpingectomy?

SalpingectomySalpingectomy refers to the surgical removal of one (unilateral) or both (bilateral) fallopian tubes (uterine tubes).

Your doctor/gynecologist may suggest a salpingectomy for several conditions such as:

  • Ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the womb): Salpingectomy has saved countless lives of women who had a tubal pregnancy.
  • Endometriosis (womb tissue growth outside the womb): In severe cases, if other treatments have not worked, the womb, ovaries, and fallopian tubes are required to be removed.
  • Cancer treatment: Gynecologists may recommend the removal of certain reproductive organs, such as the tubes and uterus if they find cancerous growth there.
  • Infection: A tuberculous infection of the tubes and pelvic inflammatory disease-causing swelling in the tubes may need to be removed.
  • Sterilization: It is a form of an effective permanent and irreversible birth control method.
  • Opportunistic salpingectomy: It is the removal of the fallopian tubes for primary prevention of cancer of the fallopian tube, ovary, or peritoneum (thin lining of the abdomen) in a patient undergoing an abdomen surgery. This is an approach of prevention in patients who are at a high risk of cancer of the ovaries or fallopian tubes.
  • Fertilization improvement: Salpingectomy may be suggested to improve your chances for in vitro fertilization (IVF) by treating the blocked fallopian tubes. It is advised that a woman should undergo these procedures if she suffers from diseases such as:
    • Hydrosalpinx (fluid fills in the fallopian tubes due to an injury or infection)
    • Hemosalpinx (blood fills in the fallopian tubes)
    • Pyosalpinx (pus fills in the fallopian tubes)
    • Severely damaged, inoperable tubes due to an infection

Salpingectomy may increase the success rates of IVF in these couples.

What is a salpingectomy?

Salpingectomy refers to the surgical removal of one (unilateral) or both (bilateral) fallopian tubes (uterine tubes).

After this surgery, the eggs will no longer be able to travel from the ovaries to the womb. Therefore, you may not be able to conceive naturally after a bilateral salpingectomy.

What happens during a salpingectomy?

Before the surgery, 

  • Your surgeon may also discuss your future pregnancy chances and options.
  • You will be informed to avoid drinking and eating for at least 8-10 hours. 
  • You will be given general anesthesia.

During the surgery,

  • Your surgeon will perform the surgery by taking
    • A long cut on your belly is called a laparotomy (an open surgery).
    • Small two to three keyhole cuts on your belly near the naval and by inserting a laparoscope (thin flexible scope) through it into the belly known as laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery.
  • The surgeon will remove the tubes and ensure the bleeding is stopped.

After completion of the surgery, the cut will be stitched with absorbable sutures.

After the surgery,

  • If you have undergone a laparotomy (open surgery), then you may need to stay in the hospital for a few days to recover from surgery, whereas recovery is usually quicker with keyhole surgery.
  • You will feel pain in the belly and tiredness.
  • You will be prescribed pain medications to be taken by mouth.

What are the possible complications of a salpingectomy?

Problems from the surgery are rare, but all surgeries have some risks such as:

Keyhole surgery usually involves a lower risk of complications than open surgery.

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