Oysters are rich in nutrients that can help enhance your mental and physical health.
Oysters are shellfish that are consumed raw or cooked.
- Oysters are a rich source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins while being low in carbohydrates.
- Oysters help regulate blood pressure and improve blood circulation, which gives an overall good feeling.
- Oysters are often regarded as an aphrodisiac (stimulates sex drive). However, there is no scientific proof to support the statement.
Oysters are rich in zinc, which is essential for the formation of testosterone (male sex hormone) which plays an important role in sexual health in men. Zinc deficiency may lead to impotence in men, and consuming oysters may fill the void of zinc deficiency.
Oysters are loaded with nutrients that enhance your mental and physical health.
What are the nutritional values of raw oysters?
126 kcal
6.75 grams
523 mg
0 grams
1.54 grams
14.2 grams
4.24 grams
1.19 grams
0.6 grams
1.31 grams
32.2 mcg
21.7 mcg
146 mg
11.4 mg
387 mg
241 mg
97.5 mg
7.09 mg
48.9 mcg
According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.”
See Answer
5 health benefits of oysters
Oysters are packed with vitamins and minerals that help improve overall health.
The five health benefits of oysters include:
- Boosts immunity: Oysters have a high zinc content, with just one ounce exceeding the recommended dietary amount for adults. Zinc is important for the immune system and has been demonstrated to shorten the length of the common cold when taken as a supplement in the early stages. Including oysters in your diet will help avoid zinc deficiency and boost your immune system all year.
- Improves heart health: Seafood, including oysters, is known to be good for heart health. Consuming eight ounces of seafood every week reduces the risk of heart diseases in adults. Seafood is high in lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Oysters contain potassium, which aids with blood pressure control. Preferring seafood over other forms of meat helps improve heart health.
- Prevents anemia: Iron from animal foods, such as oysters, is better absorbed by the body. Animal foods provide us with two to three times more iron than plant foods. Including oysters in your meal helps avoid iron deficiency anemia. Oysters contain vitamin B12, which lowers the risk of another type of anemia called macrocytic anemia.
- Aids in weight loss: Oysters are low in fat and carbs. Protein influences various hunger hormones, creating a sensation of fullness and lowering subsequent meal consumption. When dining out, choosing oysters might help you feel full and avoid high-calorie meals with less nutritional advantages.
- Reduces the risk of osteoporosis: According to research, specific components in oysters inhibit the formation of osteoclasts, which are responsible for bone disintegration and loss. Although further human research is needed to validate this benefit, the protein and calcium content of oysters look to be promising for bone health.
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What are the risks of eating raw oysters?
Oysters are obtained from water that naturally contains illness-causing bacteria. They are also sometimes obtained from water sources that have been polluted by bacteria, parasites, or viruses from human or animal excrement (stool). Additionally, people handling the oysters with dirty hands can infect them.
Cooking destroys hazardous germs and makes food safer to consume. However, many prefer eating oysters raw. This has the potential to cause various negative effects on health.
- Vibrio infections:
- Vibrio is a type of bacteria that is often found in water. It has the potential to cause life-threatening serious illnesses in humans that require prompt medical attention. Symptoms caused by vibrio infection include:
- It is recommended to consume well-cooked oysters to prevent such infections.
- Allergies:
- Mineral toxicity:
- Oysters are a rich source of various minerals such as zinc and selenium. Studies report that consumption of excess oysters may cause adverse effects associated with the excess intake of zinc and selenium.