What is Tip Rhinoplasty Procedure? Result

What is tip rhinoplasty?

Tip RhinoplastyTypically, tip rhinoplasty procedure involves modification of cartilage of the tip of the nose.

Tip rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure of the tip of the nose to improve nasal function by repairing an existing defect or to enhance the appearance.

Typically, tip rhinoplasty involves modification of cartilage of the tip of the nose, including excision (removal), dissection (cutting), repositioning, or augmentation to create the desired outcome.

Why is tip rhinoplasty done?

Tip rhinoplasty may be done in the following instances:

  • A bulging nasal tip
  • For lengthening or shortening the nose by restructuring the nose tip
  • “Parrot beak” or hooked nose tip
  • Change in nose tip projection
  • Narrowing the nasal tip

How to prepare for tip rhinoplasty

  • Your surgeon will review your general health and underlying disease conditions.
  • Discuss with your surgeon the goals, outcomes, and risks of the procedure.
  • Your surgeon will examine and measure your face, especially the nose.
  • Detail your previous medical and medication history especially, drug allergies and previous surgeries.
  • Your surgeon may take some photographs.
  • You should be prepared emotionally and psychologically with rational expectations.
  • Your surgeon might recommend another nose repair surgery (rhinoplasty), based on the desired outcome.

What are the different stages of tip rhinoplasty?

Primary Rhinoplasty:

In this stage, the tip cartilage is modified by partial excision, dissection, repositioning, and augmentation to form a supportive framework.

Rhinoplasty is performed with general or local anesthesia to make you unconscious or numb throughout the procedure.

Tip rhinoplasty may be performed by:

  • Closed technique: In this technique the surgeon makes an incision inside the nose.
  • Open technique: In this technique the surgeon makes an incision across the columella (narrow strip of tissue between the nostrils).

Once the surgeon makes an incision, defects are corrected and the incision is closed.

Secondary Rhinoplasty:

Secondary rhinoplasty is performed when the result of primary rhinoplasty requires further improvement.

A splint or tape is used to fix the position of the nasal bones and cartilages for one week. The patient is monitored for about 6 to 12 months.

What to expect from tip rhinoplasty?

Because this is a less invasive procedure, serious side effects are rare. Infection and numbness can occur but are very unusual. Most patients have a satisfying result.

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