What Is Burdock Root Good For? 6 Health Benefits

what is burdock root good for
Used in traditional medicine as a digestive aid, burdock root has grown in popularity due to its other health benefits

Burdock root is part of the daisy family and native to North Asia and Europe, although it is now grown in the United States as well. Used in traditional medicine as a digestive aid, burdock root has grown in popularity due to its other health benefits.

6 health benefits of burdock root

  1. Natural diuretic: One of the conventional uses of burdock root is as a diuretic, meaning it helps remove water from the body. This may help people who tend to have water retention, especially during menses.
  2. Rich in antioxidants: Burdock root is packed with antioxidants that help reduce oxidative damage caused by free radicals, thus preventing many chronic diseases.
  3. Promotes blood circulation: According to recent studies, burdock root contains active chemicals that may help eliminate toxins from the bloodstream. Thus, it promotes circulation of purified blood in various organs.
  4. Lowers blood sugar: Burdock root can lower sugar levels, which may help people who have diabetes or prediabetes.
  5. Prevents infections: Burdock root has been used to treat the common cold, sore throats, and other ailments. Many antibacterial properties of burdock are being discovered, which can help kill biofilms. Biofilms are collections of large, sticky colonies of bacteria over teeth, wounds, and other mucosal surfaces (for example cavity-causing plaque) that cause various diseases.
  6. Prevents cancer: Free radicals and inflammation in the body may play a role in development of cancer over time. Because burdock root has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it may have some role in cancer prevention, although these properties are still being researched.

What are the side effects of burdock root?

If you are allergic to burdock root, you should stay away from it in any form. Due to limited research, the safety of burdock root in children, pregnant women, and lactating mothers is unknown. 

Because burdock root works as a diuretic, it may cause severe dehydration if you are already taking diuretic pills.

What are other uses of burdock root?

Other uses of burdock root include the following:

  • Burdock oil and ointment can be used to treat skin conditions such as acne and pimples.
  • Burdock root can be used as a main source of fiber while cooking.

What are the common methods of preparation?

Burdock root can be consumed as:

  • Fresh burdock root
  • Burdock tea
  • Dried root powder
  • Burdock oil or burdock extract

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