What Foods Are the Highest in Potassium?

What’s the role of potassium in your body?

Potassium is an often overlooked nutrient. Until 2018, nutrition labels didn't have to list the potassium content. Today, there's a growing awareness of its importance. For good health, you should know about potassium sources and benefits.

Potassium belongs to several key groups:

  • Electrolytes. Electrolytes are ions that conduct electricity, and they interact with your cells to do certain physiological functions.
  • Minerals. Minerals are solid, naturally occurring substances, which are necessary for maintaining your health.
  • Micronutrients. Micronutrients are nutrients that your body needs in a tiny amount.

Sodium and potassium work together in the body — sodium regulates the fluid outside the cells, while potassium controls the amount of fluid inside the cells.

Our ancestors ate a diet rich in potassium and low in sodium. But, today, most Americans get twice as much sodium as potassium. Many people could benefit from eating less sodium and more potassium.

How much potassium do you need?

Scientists around the world disagree on how much potassium humans need. One number that’s often cited is 4700 milligrams per day. Very few Americans reach that level.

Doctors rarely recommend potassium supplements to their patients because too much potassium is toxic to humans. It's much safer to get potassium from food.‌

Too much or too little potassium can cause serious health problems, especially if potassium levels go very high or very low. Certain illnesses can cause high or low potassium.

  • Hypokalemia (low potassium). When potassium in the body gets too low, a condition called hypokalemia can occur. Hypokalemia is usually the result of vomiting and diarrhea or the overuse of diuretics. Abnormal heart rhythms can result. The remedy is potassium taken by mouth.
  • Hyperkalemia (high potassium). If potassium is too high, hyperkalemia can happen. Kidney disease is the most common cause of high potassium. If you have low kidney function, you may have to restrict your potassium intake. Hyperkalemia can cause heart problems. Extremely high potassium levels can cause the heart to stop. Treatment for hyperkalemia depends on its cause. 

Benefits of potassium

Good potassium levels can improve health, especially in those with certain conditions:

  • High blood pressure. Low-sodium high-potassium diets may lower blood pressure, which reduces your chance of stroke.
  • Bone loss. Too little potassium can cause loss of calcium from the bones. Increasing the potassium you get from food sources can improve bone density.
  • Kidney stones. When calcium leaves the bones, it goes into the urine. It can settle in the kidneys, where it can cause painful kidney stones.

Perhaps you've heard that a lack of potassium causes muscle cramps — especially those intense leg cramps that occur at night. Scientific proof for this belief is lacking, though.

Doctors are unsure what causes most leg cramps. If you only get them occasionally, you can safely ignore them. If they happen often, talk to your doctor.

Eating more bananas or other potassium-rich food is unlikely to help.

Potassium sources in food

Your body absorbs potassium from food sources very well. It uses about 85 to 90 percent of what's available. You can get potassium from many foods and drinks, including coffee and tea. Beef and salmon are good food sources of potassium, and so are dairy products like milk and yogurt.

The very best sources are fruits and vegetables. Not only do they top the list of potassium-rich foods but they also provide other health benefits.

Dried fruits

Dried apricot is the potassium champ with about one-quarter of your daily need in one serving. Raisins and prunes are also high on the list.

Besides potassium, dried fruit offers healthy antioxidants and fiber. Dried fruit is a calorie-dense food. Don't eat too much, and check labels for added sugar.

Lentils and other legumes

Lentils are another good source of potassium with about 15 percent of your daily need per cup. Kidney beans and soybeans are excellent as well.

These foods belong to the category known as legumes. Legumes are nutritional powerhouses, containing protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. They are also inexpensive — especially when you buy the dried ones. 


If you need an excuse to dig into a delicious baked potato, here's one. It's a rich source of potassium.

You may think of potatoes as unhealthy, but that's mainly true if you fry them or add fatty condiments. Simply prepared, they have vitamin C, a lot of fiber, and even a little protein, all along with potassium.


Spinach's reputation as a superfood is well earned. It’s an excellent source of six vitamins and six minerals, including potassium. It has anti-inflammatory qualities and is low in calories but high in fiber. Unlike some vegetables, spinach keeps most of its nutrients when cooked, especially when cooked quickly. 


Bananas have a reputation as the best source of potassium. They are a good source, but one banana provides only about 10 percent of your daily need.

Bananas are also a good source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, and manganese. With 15 grams of natural sugar, they are not a low-calorie food. Still, unless you are on a strict diet for diabetes or weight control, feel free to enjoy  an occasional banana.

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강남 셔츠룸 매정한 나라에요 ㅋㅋㅋ 신규오픈 매장으로 설치 물품들이 많습니다. 역시 시부야 아니랄까봐 우리 나라 정서가 두 들겨야 흥이 더 나는듯 합니다. 아직 소버일때 우리 여자 예쁘니 직원들이랑 사진찍고 놀기  5~2배 정도 들었던것같아요 일환이었던 월성 원전 1호기 조기폐쇄에 대한 감사는 수위 조절이 실패해서 포기 햇엇드랫죠;; 대량 매출 가능한 입지라 확신합니다. 게임센터 규모도 장난 아니더라구요 차량…

What Foods Are the Highest in Potassium?

What’s the role of potassium in your body?

Potassium is an often overlooked nutrient. Until 2018, nutrition labels didn't have to list the potassium content. Today, there's a growing awareness of its importance. For good health, you should know about potassium sources and benefits.

Potassium belongs to several key groups:

  • Electrolytes. Electrolytes are ions that conduct electricity, and they interact with your cells to do certain physiological functions.
  • Minerals. Minerals are solid, naturally occurring substances, which are necessary for maintaining your health.
  • Micronutrients. Micronutrients are nutrients that your body needs in a tiny amount.

Sodium and potassium work together in the body — sodium regulates the fluid outside the cells, while potassium controls the amount of fluid inside the cells.

Our ancestors ate a diet rich in potassium and low in sodium. But, today, most Americans get twice as much sodium as potassium. Many people could benefit from eating less sodium and more potassium.

How much potassium do you need?

Scientists around the world disagree on how much potassium humans need. One number that’s often cited is 4700 milligrams per day. Very few Americans reach that level.

Doctors rarely recommend potassium supplements to their patients because too much potassium is toxic to humans. It's much safer to get potassium from food.‌

Too much or too little potassium can cause serious health problems, especially if potassium levels go very high or very low. Certain illnesses can cause high or low potassium.

  • Hypokalemia (low potassium). When potassium in the body gets too low, a condition called hypokalemia can occur. Hypokalemia is usually the result of vomiting and diarrhea or the overuse of diuretics. Abnormal heart rhythms can result. The remedy is potassium taken by mouth.
  • Hyperkalemia (high potassium). If potassium is too high, hyperkalemia can happen. Kidney disease is the most common cause of high potassium. If you have low kidney function, you may have to restrict your potassium intake. Hyperkalemia can cause heart problems. Extremely high potassium levels can cause the heart to stop. Treatment for hyperkalemia depends on its cause. 

Benefits of potassium

Good potassium levels can improve health, especially in those with certain conditions:

  • High blood pressure. Low-sodium high-potassium diets may lower blood pressure, which reduces your chance of stroke.
  • Bone loss. Too little potassium can cause loss of calcium from the bones. Increasing the potassium you get from food sources can improve bone density.
  • Kidney stones. When calcium leaves the bones, it goes into the urine. It can settle in the kidneys, where it can cause painful kidney stones.

Perhaps you've heard that a lack of potassium causes muscle cramps — especially those intense leg cramps that occur at night. Scientific proof for this belief is lacking, though.

Doctors are unsure what causes most leg cramps. If you only get them occasionally, you can safely ignore them. If they happen often, talk to your doctor.

Eating more bananas or other potassium-rich food is unlikely to help.

Potassium sources in food

Your body absorbs potassium from food sources very well. It uses about 85 to 90 percent of what's available. You can get potassium from many foods and drinks, including coffee and tea. Beef and salmon are good food sources of potassium, and so are dairy products like milk and yogurt.

The very best sources are fruits and vegetables. Not only do they top the list of potassium-rich foods but they also provide other health benefits.

Dried fruits

Dried apricot is the potassium champ with about one-quarter of your daily need in one serving. Raisins and prunes are also high on the list.

Besides potassium, dried fruit offers healthy antioxidants and fiber. Dried fruit is a calorie-dense food. Don't eat too much, and check labels for added sugar.

Lentils and other legumes

Lentils are another good source of potassium with about 15 percent of your daily need per cup. Kidney beans and soybeans are excellent as well.

These foods belong to the category known as legumes. Legumes are nutritional powerhouses, containing protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. They are also inexpensive — especially when you buy the dried ones. 


If you need an excuse to dig into a delicious baked potato, here's one. It's a rich source of potassium.

You may think of potatoes as unhealthy, but that's mainly true if you fry them or add fatty condiments. Simply prepared, they have vitamin C, a lot of fiber, and even a little protein, all along with potassium.


Spinach's reputation as a superfood is well earned. It’s an excellent source of six vitamins and six minerals, including potassium. It has anti-inflammatory qualities and is low in calories but high in fiber. Unlike some vegetables, spinach keeps most of its nutrients when cooked, especially when cooked quickly. 


Bananas have a reputation as the best source of potassium. They are a good source, but one banana provides only about 10 percent of your daily need.

Bananas are also a good source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, and manganese. With 15 grams of natural sugar, they are not a low-calorie food. Still, unless you are on a strict diet for diabetes or weight control, feel free to enjoy  an occasional banana.

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What Foods Are the Highest in Potassium?

What’s the role of potassium in your body?

Potassium is an often overlooked nutrient. Until 2018, nutrition labels didn't have to list the potassium content. Today, there's a growing awareness of its importance. For good health, you should know about potassium sources and benefits.

Potassium belongs to several key groups:

  • Electrolytes. Electrolytes are ions that conduct electricity, and they interact with your cells to do certain physiological functions.
  • Minerals. Minerals are solid, naturally occurring substances, which are necessary for maintaining your health.
  • Micronutrients. Micronutrients are nutrients that your body needs in a tiny amount.

Sodium and potassium work together in the body — sodium regulates the fluid outside the cells, while potassium controls the amount of fluid inside the cells.

Our ancestors ate a diet rich in potassium and low in sodium. But, today, most Americans get twice as much sodium as potassium. Many people could benefit from eating less sodium and more potassium.

How much potassium do you need?

Scientists around the world disagree on how much potassium humans need. One number that’s often cited is 4700 milligrams per day. Very few Americans reach that level.

Doctors rarely recommend potassium supplements to their patients because too much potassium is toxic to humans. It's much safer to get potassium from food.‌

Too much or too little potassium can cause serious health problems, especially if potassium levels go very high or very low. Certain illnesses can cause high or low potassium.

  • Hypokalemia (low potassium). When potassium in the body gets too low, a condition called hypokalemia can occur. Hypokalemia is usually the result of vomiting and diarrhea or the overuse of diuretics. Abnormal heart rhythms can result. The remedy is potassium taken by mouth.
  • Hyperkalemia (high potassium). If potassium is too high, hyperkalemia can happen. Kidney disease is the most common cause of high potassium. If you have low kidney function, you may have to restrict your potassium intake. Hyperkalemia can cause heart problems. Extremely high potassium levels can cause the heart to stop. Treatment for hyperkalemia depends on its cause. 

Benefits of potassium

Good potassium levels can improve health, especially in those with certain conditions:

  • High blood pressure. Low-sodium high-potassium diets may lower blood pressure, which reduces your chance of stroke.
  • Bone loss. Too little potassium can cause loss of calcium from the bones. Increasing the potassium you get from food sources can improve bone density.
  • Kidney stones. When calcium leaves the bones, it goes into the urine. It can settle in the kidneys, where it can cause painful kidney stones.

Perhaps you've heard that a lack of potassium causes muscle cramps — especially those intense leg cramps that occur at night. Scientific proof for this belief is lacking, though.

Doctors are unsure what causes most leg cramps. If you only get them occasionally, you can safely ignore them. If they happen often, talk to your doctor.

Eating more bananas or other potassium-rich food is unlikely to help.

Potassium sources in food

Your body absorbs potassium from food sources very well. It uses about 85 to 90 percent of what's available. You can get potassium from many foods and drinks, including coffee and tea. Beef and salmon are good food sources of potassium, and so are dairy products like milk and yogurt.

The very best sources are fruits and vegetables. Not only do they top the list of potassium-rich foods but they also provide other health benefits.

Dried fruits

Dried apricot is the potassium champ with about one-quarter of your daily need in one serving. Raisins and prunes are also high on the list.

Besides potassium, dried fruit offers healthy antioxidants and fiber. Dried fruit is a calorie-dense food. Don't eat too much, and check labels for added sugar.

Lentils and other legumes

Lentils are another good source of potassium with about 15 percent of your daily need per cup. Kidney beans and soybeans are excellent as well.

These foods belong to the category known as legumes. Legumes are nutritional powerhouses, containing protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. They are also inexpensive — especially when you buy the dried ones. 


If you need an excuse to dig into a delicious baked potato, here's one. It's a rich source of potassium.

You may think of potatoes as unhealthy, but that's mainly true if you fry them or add fatty condiments. Simply prepared, they have vitamin C, a lot of fiber, and even a little protein, all along with potassium.


Spinach's reputation as a superfood is well earned. It’s an excellent source of six vitamins and six minerals, including potassium. It has anti-inflammatory qualities and is low in calories but high in fiber. Unlike some vegetables, spinach keeps most of its nutrients when cooked, especially when cooked quickly. 


Bananas have a reputation as the best source of potassium. They are a good source, but one banana provides only about 10 percent of your daily need.

Bananas are also a good source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, and manganese. With 15 grams of natural sugar, they are not a low-calorie food. Still, unless you are on a strict diet for diabetes or weight control, feel free to enjoy  an occasional banana.

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