What Causes the Uvula to Swell Up? Symptoms, Treatment, Complications

swollen uvula
Uvulitis, or a swollen uvula, can be caused by viral and bacterial infections, allergic reactions, inhalation of harsh chemicals, and more.

Swelling of the uvula, also referred to as uvulitis, often occurs in combination with other health issues or infections and rarely occurs alone.

The following factors can cause the uvula to swell up:

What happens when a uvula swells?

The uvula, which is the small tissue that hangs in the back of the throat (soft palate), can swell as a response to infections, allergies, or inflammation that affects the throat.

Uvulitis can result in signs and symptoms that include:

How is a swollen uvula treated?

Doctors treat uvulitis based on its cause and severity with treatment that usually involves:

  • Antibiotics (if there is infection)
  • Steroids (for allergy or severe inflammation)
  • Antihistamines (for allergy)
  • Stopping medicines that have caused the uvulitis
  • At-home care
    • Rest. Get adequate rest until the symptoms settle down.
    • Drink fluids. Dehydration can worsen the swelling of the uvula. Painful swallowing can make people avoid drinking and eating, leading to dehydration. So, have frequent sips of water throughout the day. Children should be given frozen bars or other cold fluids.
    • Warm saline water gargles. It can help soothe a sore throat caused by uvulitis.

Ask the doctor about how long your child should rest and when they can return to school.

If you develop a serious form of uvulitis, such as the one that developed from taking certain medication, the doctor will ask you to stop the medicine and refer you to a specialist, who can provide alternative medication. Remember the medicine that caused the allergic reaction and inform all the doctors that treat you in the future.

The prescribing doctor may refer you to an ear, nose, and throat specialist for further treatment.

When to contact the doctor

Uvulitis can rarely result in serious signs and symptoms, but it is quite possible. Seek medical help right away if the following are observed:

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What Causes the Uvula to Swell Up? Symptoms, Treatment, Complications

swollen uvula
Uvulitis, or a swollen uvula, can be caused by viral and bacterial infections, allergic reactions, inhalation of harsh chemicals, and more.

Swelling of the uvula, also referred to as uvulitis, often occurs in combination with other health issues or infections and rarely occurs alone.

The following factors can cause the uvula to swell up:

What happens when a uvula swells?

The uvula, which is the small tissue that hangs in the back of the throat (soft palate), can swell as a response to infections, allergies, or inflammation that affects the throat.

Uvulitis can result in signs and symptoms that include:

How is a swollen uvula treated?

Doctors treat uvulitis based on its cause and severity with treatment that usually involves:

  • Antibiotics (if there is infection)
  • Steroids (for allergy or severe inflammation)
  • Antihistamines (for allergy)
  • Stopping medicines that have caused the uvulitis
  • At-home care
    • Rest. Get adequate rest until the symptoms settle down.
    • Drink fluids. Dehydration can worsen the swelling of the uvula. Painful swallowing can make people avoid drinking and eating, leading to dehydration. So, have frequent sips of water throughout the day. Children should be given frozen bars or other cold fluids.
    • Warm saline water gargles. It can help soothe a sore throat caused by uvulitis.

Ask the doctor about how long your child should rest and when they can return to school.

If you develop a serious form of uvulitis, such as the one that developed from taking certain medication, the doctor will ask you to stop the medicine and refer you to a specialist, who can provide alternative medication. Remember the medicine that caused the allergic reaction and inform all the doctors that treat you in the future.

The prescribing doctor may refer you to an ear, nose, and throat specialist for further treatment.

When to contact the doctor

Uvulitis can rarely result in serious signs and symptoms, but it is quite possible. Seek medical help right away if the following are observed:

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