What Causes Nausea for No Reason?

Nausea is a sensation of an urge to vomit.Nausea is a sensation of an urge to vomit.

Nausea is a sensation of an urge to vomit. It may or may not accompany vomiting. Nausea is not a condition in itself but mainly a symptom of underlying medical conditions such as follows:

Diseases in the following regions may cause nausea:

  • Brain or spinal fluid
  • Balance centers in the inner ear
  • Abdominal or pelvic organs

Moreover, nausea can be associated with causes that aren’t due to underlying diseases, which include:

The cause of nausea and vomiting can be determined by its timing:

The causes of nausea and vomiting in children may vary from those in adults, and they include the following:

What are the symptoms of nausea?

Nausea may occur alone or may be accompanied by certain symptoms. Nausea accompanied by symptoms may indicate an underlying medical condition:

  • Nausea with abdominal pain indicates diseases that involve structural alterations (e.g. cholelithiasis).
  • Abdominal tenderness with nausea suggests bowel obstruction.
  • Vomiting of blood-like material may indicate upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Heartburn with nausea signals gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
  • Early morning nausea or vomiting is typical of the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Headache with nausea indicates migraine.
  • Vomitus with sediments indicates an intestinal blockage.
  • Nausea with rapid involuntary eye movements signals vestibular neuritis.
  • Nausea with tooth enamel erosion, fine hair, and hardening of the skin in the upper portion of palms signals bulimia.

When to call a doctor?

Call the physician immediately if you observe these symptoms:

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