What Are the Signs of a Blocked Bowel?

A blocked bowel is an obstruction of the small or large intestine. Signs of a blocked bowel include cramping, nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating and abdominal pain.
A blocked bowel is an obstruction of the small or large intestine. Signs of a blocked bowel include cramping, nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating and abdominal pain.

Generally speaking, the bowels are the small and large intestines. When your stomach breaks down food, it passes it to the small intestines, which absorbs minerals and nutrients. The small intestines pass the leftovers to your large intestine, which functions to absorb additional water and nutrients.

If something happens to block the flow of food in your bowels, the digestive process is interrupted. Materials no longer move through your bowels as they should, which causes digestive problems. It’s essential to know the signs of blocked bowels so that you can get help from your doctor immediately. If left untreated, blocked intestines can cause an abdominal infection or other serious health conditions.

Symptoms of a blocked bowel

Small intestine obstructions are generally accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Cramping in your abdominal area
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Racing pulse and breathing while experiencing intestinal cramps
  • Tenderness in the abdominal area
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Pain in your abdomen between your navel and rib cage
  • Cannot pass stool or gas

Types of blockages in bowels

Both the large and small intestines can become partially or fully blocked, depending on the cause. Both intestines can be blocked by a functional obstruction, where there is no physical obstruction, but the food is not moving. There can also be a mechanical blockage, where there’s something physically preventing food from moving.

Causes of a blocked bowel

Several different types of obstructions can occur within your bowels, depending on the affected intestine.

Small intestine

The small intestine is most commonly blocked by:

  • Adhesions: Scars in the intestine can cause connective tissue to form, which can create a blockage. 
  • A hernia: The intestine can poke through tears in the abdominal wall far enough to cause it to pinch together. 
  • Tumors: If a tumor grows inside the intestine, it can block the passage of food. When growing outside of the intestine, a tumor can press into it and cause a blockage.
  • Functional blockages: The nerves and muscles that move food are not working because of some other condition.

Large intestine

The large intestine can be obstructed by:

  • Colorectal cancer: A cancerous growth in the colon or rectum can obstruct the flow of waste and cause a blockage.
  • Volvulus: This is a condition that usually affects people over the age of 65. Volvulus happens when an intestine twists and pinches itself shut.
  • Diverticular disease: Small pouches within the large intestine are called diverticula. They can become infected, heal, and leave scars. Over time, the scars can tighten and shrink in size, decreasing the size of the colon. 


When to see the doctor for a blocked bowel

If you experience any of the symptoms of a blocked bowel, call your doctor immediately. They might tell you to go to the emergency room or have you come in for diagnosis and testing.

Diagnosing a blocked bowel

Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and conduct a physical exam of your abdominal area. Additionally, they may take a blood sample to test your electrolyte levels and hydration. The doctor may also order an X-ray of your abdomen to see if you have any blockages. As a last resort, they might want to perform surgery to look inside your intestines for any scar tissue or other conditions.

Treatments for a blocked bowel

Treatment for an intestinal obstruction depends on the type of block your doctor finds. If the blockage is a buildup of material in one of your intestines, treatment usually begins with intravenous fluids and a tube inserted through your nose to suck out built-up gas. This gives your body a chance to unblock the intestine on its own. If fluids do not help or the blockage is functional, the doctor will consider other options:

Some methods might help prevent intestinal blockages. For example, a balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits, and lots of water can ensure you get enough fiber and fluids to stay hydrated and reduce gas buildup. Try not to lift heavy objects, as this tends to put pressure on your abdominal walls and can cause tearing. 

See your doctor regularly for checkups, and make sure you talk to them about any problems or concerns. Catching a bowel obstruction early can reduce the chance of one growing more serious.

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