What Are the Best Options for Hair Loss? 9 Treatments, 4 Types

What are the best options for hair loss?
Hair loss can be reversed by using the following nine treatment options.

Finding the root cause of hair loss is the first step toward effective therapy.

Seeing a board-certified dermatologist can help you acquire an accurate diagnosis.

  • These specialists are well-versed in the many causes of hair loss and have treated patients suffering from them.
  • They will recommend the best treatment for you based on the underlying cause and severity of your hair loss.

Hair loss may be upsetting whether it is caused by genetics, an illness, or stress. There are certain treatments and skilled dermatologists to assist you. Your hair loss could be reversed

Consult your doctor as soon as you think something is amiss because the sooner you begin treatment, the better.

9 most recommended treatment options for hair loss

  1. Minoxidil
    • Minoxidil is an over-the-counter drug, available in foam or liquid form.
    • It is applied directly to the scalp one or two times per day.
    • It stimulates growth and reduces hair loss.
    • Minoxidil is more effective when used with another hair loss medication. When taking minoxidil, many people see some regrowth, but it takes generally three to six months to see benefits.
    • If you notice regrowth, you must continue to use it daily. When you stop using it, your hair starts to fall out again.
    • Minoxidil can aid with early hair loss, but it cannot regenerate a full head of hair.
  2. Laser therapy
    • A low-level laser is used to stimulate hair growth.
    • According to the American Academy of Dermatology, scalp treatment with low levels of laser can treat:
    • Laser caps and combs are available in the market.
    • Researchers have discovered that those patients who used the laser rather than the dummy device had thicker and fuller hair overall.
    • Not everyone who utilized a laser witnessed regrowth.
    • More research is needed to determine who will benefit most from this treatment and whether these devices may create long-term negative effects.
  3. Microneedling
    • According to the American Academy of Dermatology, microneedling may promote hair growth.
    • Using microneedling in conjunction with another hair loss therapy may be more effective.
    • You may purchase one of these devices, which contains several small needles, without a prescription, but you should consult a dermatologist first. They can tell you if it is safe for you and prescribe a specific microneedling device. Microneedling did by a professional, however, is more effective than one done at home.
  4. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
    • PRP includes extracting a little quantity of your blood, separating it into parts in a machine, and then, injecting one portion of your blood (the plasma) into the region with hair loss.
    • The complete procedure takes about 10 minutes and does not normally need any downtime.
    • The therapy is typically administered one time a month for three months, with a follow-up treatment every three to six months.
    • You may find that you are losing less or no hair during the first few months of therapy.
  5. Hair transplant
    • A hair transplant is a surgical option that can provide long-term effects.
    • Individual hair or a strip of skin with hair is removed from one section of your scalp and transplanted to thinning or balding areas by a surgeon.
    • According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the procedure takes four to eight hours.
    • To discover if this treatment is suitable for you, consult with a dermatologist.
  6. Corticosteroid injections
    • Your dermatologist will inject this drug into the bald (or thinning) regions of your hair to help it regenerate.
    • These injections are typically administered every four to eight weeks according to need.
    • This is thought to be the most effective treatment for patients who have a few areas of alopecia areata, a hair loss problem.
    • A study on a group of 127 individuals showed that more than 80 percent of the individuals with patchy alopecia areata, who were treated with these injections, had at least half of their hair regenerate after 12 weeks.
  7. Finasteride
    • Finasteride has been authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat male pattern hair loss. Finasteride, when used as advised, can:
      • Reduce hair loss
      • Encourage new hair growth
    • Finasteride comes in the form of a pill that you take one time a day. Taking it at the same time every day seemed to yield the best outcomes.
    • It normally takes approximately four months to see any change.
    • Finasteride is more effective if you start taking it as soon as you detect hair loss.
    • If finasteride works for you, you must continue taking it to maintain your outcomes.
    • You will begin to lose hair again as you quit using it.
    • You must consult with your dermatologist to know about any potential adverse effects.
  8. Spironolactone
    • Spironolactone is prescribed for female-pattern hair loss to stop further hair loss and increase hair thickness.
    • According to studies, spironolactone is beneficial in about 40 percent of women with female-pattern hair loss. In one research of 166 women using spironolactone, 42 percent showed modest improvement, and 31 percent reported increasing thickness.
    • Do not get pregnant while on spironolactone. This medicine has the potential to cause birth abnormalities. Your dermatologist may prescribe a birth control pill to prevent pregnancy.
  9. Dietary supplements
    • If you are deficient in biotin, iron, or zinc, your dermatologist may advise you to take a supplement. If you are not getting enough protein, your dermatologist can help you figure out how to acquire enough.
    • You should only take biotin, iron, or zinc if a blood test reveals a deficit. Taking a supplement if your levels are normal can be dangerous.


It is normal to lose 100-150 hairs per day.
See Answer

What is hair loss?

Hair loss is a disorder that occurs when you begin to shed more strands and fewer or none grow back. The resulting baldness due to hair loss is called alopecia. There are numerous forms of hair loss, and it may affect everyone of all ages. You may lose hair only on your head or throughout your entire body.

You lose up to 100 strands of hair every day. New strands grow to replace the ones you lose as part of your hair's growth cycle.

4 most common types of hair loss

  1. Alopecia areata
    • This is an autoimmune condition.
    • Loss of hair is seen on the head and body.
  2. Androgenic alopecia
    • Also called male-pattern baldness, which is genetically inherited.
    • It is seen in both men and women.
  3. Telogen effluvium
    • This form of hair loss is characterized by fast hair loss in a short time.
    • It usually occurs a few months after your body has been subjected to physical or mental stress.
    • It can be caused by abrupt hormonal shifts.
  4. Anagen effluvium
    • Hair loss is caused by certain medical treatments, such as chemotherapy.

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7 most common causes of hair loss

  1. Nutritional deficiencies
    • The vital vitamins and minerals and macronutrients, such as protein, obtained from a nutritious, diverse, and well-balanced diet support excellent health throughout your body.
    • These nutrients ensure that all your organs and internal systems function properly.
    • Poor nutrition or adhering to an extremely restricted crash or fad diet can result in nutritional shortages, which can result in hair loss, ranging from thinning hair to patches of baldness.
  2. Emotional stress
    • While facing any life-changing event, you may be under significant emotional stress.
    • This may alter the regular cycle of hair growth and cause temporary hair loss.
    • Normal hair growth is generally restored as the stress is relieved.
  3. Medication-induced hair loss
    • A variety of drugs used to treat common health disorders cause hair loss as a side effect.
    • Blood thinners, oral contraceptives, antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and beta and calcium-channel blockers can cause hair loss or baldness.
    • Too much vitamin A, as well as vitamin A-based medicines called retinoids, can cause hair loss.
    • Several chemotherapy medications are known to induce complete hair loss. Hair should regrow once you stop therapy or taking any medicine that causes hair loss.
  4. Thyroid issues
    • Hormonal imbalance caused by either an underactive thyroid, called hypothyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, called hyperthyroidism, can result in hair loss.
    • Hormones have a role in practically every bodily function, including hair growth.
    • Getting the appropriate medication if you have thyroid problems will stabilize hormones, stop hair loss, and allow your hair to begin growing again.
  5. Following pregnancy
    • Rapid shifts of hormones that occur during pregnancy and childbirth can cause hair loss.
    • Because it takes time for hormone levels to return to normal after pregnancy, it is not uncommon for post-partum women to experience thinning hair or even patches of baldness.
    • Hair loss is typically temporary. Hair follicles will rejuvenate along with the rest of your body and your hair will regrow.
  6. Medical illness
    • A variety of diseases and conditions can cause hair loss.
    • A high fever, fungal skin infection, bacterial diseases (such as syphilis), or autoimmune diseases (such as diabetes) can cause balding or thinning of hair.
    • The underlying infection can be treated to restore hair growth and prevent further hair loss. As a result, your first move should be to seek medical assistance for the core health issue.
  7. Improper hair care
    • To get a fashionable hairstyle, you may cause substantial damage to the hair, which may result in hair loss and thinning hair.
    • Overdoing various activities can lead to hair loss, such as:
      • Frequent shampooing
      • Blow-drying too frequently
      • Using heated styling products often
      • Tugging on hair either from blow-drying or arranging it in an overly tight ponytail

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What Are the Best Options for Hair Loss? 9 Treatments, 4 Types

What are the best options for hair loss?
Hair loss can be reversed by using the following nine treatment options.

Finding the root cause of hair loss is the first step toward effective therapy.

Seeing a board-certified dermatologist can help you acquire an accurate diagnosis.

  • These specialists are well-versed in the many causes of hair loss and have treated patients suffering from them.
  • They will recommend the best treatment for you based on the underlying cause and severity of your hair loss.

Hair loss may be upsetting whether it is caused by genetics, an illness, or stress. There are certain treatments and skilled dermatologists to assist you. Your hair loss could be reversed

Consult your doctor as soon as you think something is amiss because the sooner you begin treatment, the better.

9 most recommended treatment options for hair loss

  1. Minoxidil
    • Minoxidil is an over-the-counter drug, available in foam or liquid form.
    • It is applied directly to the scalp one or two times per day.
    • It stimulates growth and reduces hair loss.
    • Minoxidil is more effective when used with another hair loss medication. When taking minoxidil, many people see some regrowth, but it takes generally three to six months to see benefits.
    • If you notice regrowth, you must continue to use it daily. When you stop using it, your hair starts to fall out again.
    • Minoxidil can aid with early hair loss, but it cannot regenerate a full head of hair.
  2. Laser therapy
    • A low-level laser is used to stimulate hair growth.
    • According to the American Academy of Dermatology, scalp treatment with low levels of laser can treat:
    • Laser caps and combs are available in the market.
    • Researchers have discovered that those patients who used the laser rather than the dummy device had thicker and fuller hair overall.
    • Not everyone who utilized a laser witnessed regrowth.
    • More research is needed to determine who will benefit most from this treatment and whether these devices may create long-term negative effects.
  3. Microneedling
    • According to the American Academy of Dermatology, microneedling may promote hair growth.
    • Using microneedling in conjunction with another hair loss therapy may be more effective.
    • You may purchase one of these devices, which contains several small needles, without a prescription, but you should consult a dermatologist first. They can tell you if it is safe for you and prescribe a specific microneedling device. Microneedling did by a professional, however, is more effective than one done at home.
  4. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
    • PRP includes extracting a little quantity of your blood, separating it into parts in a machine, and then, injecting one portion of your blood (the plasma) into the region with hair loss.
    • The complete procedure takes about 10 minutes and does not normally need any downtime.
    • The therapy is typically administered one time a month for three months, with a follow-up treatment every three to six months.
    • You may find that you are losing less or no hair during the first few months of therapy.
  5. Hair transplant
    • A hair transplant is a surgical option that can provide long-term effects.
    • Individual hair or a strip of skin with hair is removed from one section of your scalp and transplanted to thinning or balding areas by a surgeon.
    • According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the procedure takes four to eight hours.
    • To discover if this treatment is suitable for you, consult with a dermatologist.
  6. Corticosteroid injections
    • Your dermatologist will inject this drug into the bald (or thinning) regions of your hair to help it regenerate.
    • These injections are typically administered every four to eight weeks according to need.
    • This is thought to be the most effective treatment for patients who have a few areas of alopecia areata, a hair loss problem.
    • A study on a group of 127 individuals showed that more than 80 percent of the individuals with patchy alopecia areata, who were treated with these injections, had at least half of their hair regenerate after 12 weeks.
  7. Finasteride
    • Finasteride has been authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat male pattern hair loss. Finasteride, when used as advised, can:
      • Reduce hair loss
      • Encourage new hair growth
    • Finasteride comes in the form of a pill that you take one time a day. Taking it at the same time every day seemed to yield the best outcomes.
    • It normally takes approximately four months to see any change.
    • Finasteride is more effective if you start taking it as soon as you detect hair loss.
    • If finasteride works for you, you must continue taking it to maintain your outcomes.
    • You will begin to lose hair again as you quit using it.
    • You must consult with your dermatologist to know about any potential adverse effects.
  8. Spironolactone
    • Spironolactone is prescribed for female-pattern hair loss to stop further hair loss and increase hair thickness.
    • According to studies, spironolactone is beneficial in about 40 percent of women with female-pattern hair loss. In one research of 166 women using spironolactone, 42 percent showed modest improvement, and 31 percent reported increasing thickness.
    • Do not get pregnant while on spironolactone. This medicine has the potential to cause birth abnormalities. Your dermatologist may prescribe a birth control pill to prevent pregnancy.
  9. Dietary supplements
    • If you are deficient in biotin, iron, or zinc, your dermatologist may advise you to take a supplement. If you are not getting enough protein, your dermatologist can help you figure out how to acquire enough.
    • You should only take biotin, iron, or zinc if a blood test reveals a deficit. Taking a supplement if your levels are normal can be dangerous.


It is normal to lose 100-150 hairs per day.
See Answer

What is hair loss?

Hair loss is a disorder that occurs when you begin to shed more strands and fewer or none grow back. The resulting baldness due to hair loss is called alopecia. There are numerous forms of hair loss, and it may affect everyone of all ages. You may lose hair only on your head or throughout your entire body.

You lose up to 100 strands of hair every day. New strands grow to replace the ones you lose as part of your hair's growth cycle.

4 most common types of hair loss

  1. Alopecia areata
    • This is an autoimmune condition.
    • Loss of hair is seen on the head and body.
  2. Androgenic alopecia
    • Also called male-pattern baldness, which is genetically inherited.
    • It is seen in both men and women.
  3. Telogen effluvium
    • This form of hair loss is characterized by fast hair loss in a short time.
    • It usually occurs a few months after your body has been subjected to physical or mental stress.
    • It can be caused by abrupt hormonal shifts.
  4. Anagen effluvium
    • Hair loss is caused by certain medical treatments, such as chemotherapy.

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7 most common causes of hair loss

  1. Nutritional deficiencies
    • The vital vitamins and minerals and macronutrients, such as protein, obtained from a nutritious, diverse, and well-balanced diet support excellent health throughout your body.
    • These nutrients ensure that all your organs and internal systems function properly.
    • Poor nutrition or adhering to an extremely restricted crash or fad diet can result in nutritional shortages, which can result in hair loss, ranging from thinning hair to patches of baldness.
  2. Emotional stress
    • While facing any life-changing event, you may be under significant emotional stress.
    • This may alter the regular cycle of hair growth and cause temporary hair loss.
    • Normal hair growth is generally restored as the stress is relieved.
  3. Medication-induced hair loss
    • A variety of drugs used to treat common health disorders cause hair loss as a side effect.
    • Blood thinners, oral contraceptives, antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and beta and calcium-channel blockers can cause hair loss or baldness.
    • Too much vitamin A, as well as vitamin A-based medicines called retinoids, can cause hair loss.
    • Several chemotherapy medications are known to induce complete hair loss. Hair should regrow once you stop therapy or taking any medicine that causes hair loss.
  4. Thyroid issues
    • Hormonal imbalance caused by either an underactive thyroid, called hypothyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, called hyperthyroidism, can result in hair loss.
    • Hormones have a role in practically every bodily function, including hair growth.
    • Getting the appropriate medication if you have thyroid problems will stabilize hormones, stop hair loss, and allow your hair to begin growing again.
  5. Following pregnancy
    • Rapid shifts of hormones that occur during pregnancy and childbirth can cause hair loss.
    • Because it takes time for hormone levels to return to normal after pregnancy, it is not uncommon for post-partum women to experience thinning hair or even patches of baldness.
    • Hair loss is typically temporary. Hair follicles will rejuvenate along with the rest of your body and your hair will regrow.
  6. Medical illness
    • A variety of diseases and conditions can cause hair loss.
    • A high fever, fungal skin infection, bacterial diseases (such as syphilis), or autoimmune diseases (such as diabetes) can cause balding or thinning of hair.
    • The underlying infection can be treated to restore hair growth and prevent further hair loss. As a result, your first move should be to seek medical assistance for the core health issue.
  7. Improper hair care
    • To get a fashionable hairstyle, you may cause substantial damage to the hair, which may result in hair loss and thinning hair.
    • Overdoing various activities can lead to hair loss, such as:
      • Frequent shampooing
      • Blow-drying too frequently
      • Using heated styling products often
      • Tugging on hair either from blow-drying or arranging it in an overly tight ponytail

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