triamcinolone acetonide inhaler, Azmacort: Drug Facts, Side Effects and Dosing

What is triamcinolone acetonide inhaler, and how does it work (mechanism of action)?

Triamcinolone is a synthetic (man-made) steroid of
the glucocorticoid family used for treating
asthma. It is similar to
beclomethasone (Vanceril, QVAR) and
fluticasone (Flovent). The
naturally-occurring glucocorticoid hormone is cortisol or hydrocortisone
produced in the adrenal glands. Glucocorticoids have potent anti-inflammatory
actions. Some symptoms of asthma are caused by chronic inflammation in the
airways within the lungs that obstruct the flow of air into and out of the
lungs. Triamcinolone reduces inflammation in the lungs and airways and thereby
improves breathing in individuals with asthma. When used as an inhaler,
triamcinolone goes directly to the airways of the lungs, and very little is
absorbed into the body. The FDA approved the triamcinolone inhaler in April 1982.

Is triamcinolone acetonide inhaler available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for triamcinolone acetonide inhaler?


What are the side effects of triamcinolone acetonide inhaler?

Common side effects are:

Mild cough or wheezing due to
chemical irritation may be minimized by using an inhaled bronchodilator, for
example, albuterol (Ventolin), prior to using the triamcinolone. Oral
candidiasis or thrush (a fungal infection) may occur in 1 in 20 to 1 in 10
persons who use triamcinolone, the risk being higher with higher doses. The risk
of thrush in children is lower than in adults. Hoarseness also may result from
the use of triamcinolone inhaler. Using a spacer (a device that is attached to
the inhaler) and washing the mouth out with water following each use reduces the
risk of thrush and hoarseness.

High doses of inhaled glucocorticoids may decrease the formation of bone and
increase the breakdown (resorption) of bone leading to weak bones and
Very high doses may cause suppression of the body’s ability to make its own
natural glucocorticoid in the adrenal glands. It is possible that patients with
suppression of their adrenal glands may need increased amounts of
glucocorticoids by the oral or intravenous route during periods of high physical stress such as illnesses when increased amounts of glucocorticoids are needed by
the body.

What is the dosage for triamcinolone acetonide inhaler?

The usual recommended dosage for adults is two inhalations (150 mcg)
given 3-4 times daily or 4 inhalations (300 mcg) given twice daily. The maximum
daily dose is 16 inhalations (1200 mcg) in adults. Higher initial doses (12 to
16 inhalations per day) may be considered in patients with more severe asthma.

The usual recommended dosage for children (6-12 years old) is 1 or 2

(75 to 150 mcg) given 3-4 times daily or 2-4 inhalations (150 to 300 mcg)
twice daily. The maximum daily dose is 12 inhalations (900 mcg).

Which drugs or supplements interact with triamcinolone acetonide inhaler?

No drug interactions have been described with inhaled

Is triamcinolone acetonide inhaler safe to take if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

There are no adequate studies of the triamcinolone inhaler in
pregnant women.

It is not known if triamcinolone is secreted in
breast milk.
Other medications in its family are secreted into breast milk, but it is not
known whether the small amounts that may appear in milk affect the infant.

What else should I know about triamcinolone acetonide inhaler?

What preparations of triamcinolone acetonide inhaler are available?

Metered Dose Inhaler: 60 mg (75 mcg/actuation)

How should I keep triamcinolone acetonide inhaler stored?

Triamcinolone inhaler should be kept at room temperature, 20 C – 25 C
(68 F – 77 F) and protected from direct light. Exposure to temperatures above 38.8 C
(120 F) may cause bursting of the canister. The canister should never be thrown into a fire or incinerator.

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