How to Get Rid of Bone Spurs in Feet, Neck, Shoulder & Spine

What are bone spurs?

A bone spur is a small, sharp outgrowth of bone. They can come from local trauma to the bone, cartilage or tendon near where a bone spur has formed. Inflammation, like that caused by arthritis, can also cause the formation of bone spurs. Often, bone spurs are not painful or uncomfortable. They only require treatment when they start causing pain or discomfort.

What are home remedies for bone spurs?

Home remedies to soothe the symptoms of bone spurs includes application of ice packs and taking over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen and other non-steroidal antiinflammatory medications.

What is the treatment for bone spurs?

Bone spurs are treated only if they are causing symptoms. Initial treatment is directed toward decreasing inflammation and avoiding reinjury when possible. Local cold application can help when the location of the bone spur is accessible. Anti-inflammatory medications, administered both orally (over-the-counter NSAIDs) and by local steroid injection (Kenalog, Depomedrol, Celestone), are commonly used, depending on the location of the spur. Local mechanical measures, such as orthotics, or shoe inserts, and local bone spur pads might be considered, depending on the location of the bone spur.

Bone spurs that are causing irritation of nerves, tendons or ligaments and that are resistant to conservative measures can require surgical operations for treatment.

What kind of doctor treats bone spurs?

An orthopaedic surgeon, a doctor who corrects congenital or functional abnormalities of the bones with surgery, casting, and bracing in cases of bone spurs. Podiatrists also treat bone spurs and other injuries to the foot and ankle.

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