testosterone undecanoate (Aveed) Side Effects & Dosage

What is testosterone undecanoate capsule, and how does it work (mechanism of action)?

Testosterone undecanoate is a long-acting man-made
version of testosterone, the natural male sexual hormone. Testosterone is
responsible for the normal growth and development of male sex organs and
characteristics. It includes growth and development of male organs of penis,
testicles, prostate, body hair, vocal cord thickening, and muscle and fat
distribution. The FDA approved testosterone undecanoate in March 2014.

What brand names are available for testosterone undecanoate capsule?


Is testosterone undecanoate capsule available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for testosterone undecanoate capsule?


What are the side effects of testosterone undecanoate capsule?

Side effects of testosterone undecanoate are:

Special Warning: Aveed may cause a serious lung problem called pulmonary oil
microembolism (POME) as well as a serious allergic reaction after receiving the

What is the dosage for testosterone undecanoate capsule?

Males over 18 years of age: The recommended dose of testosterone undecanoate
is 750 mg (3 ml) intramuscularly; followed by 750 mg (3 ml) intramuscularly
after 4 weeks, then 750 mg (3 ml) intramuscularly every 10 weeks thereafter.

Safe and effective use of testosterone undecanoate is not determined for
males under 18 years of age.

Which drugs or supplements interact with testosterone undecanoate capsule?

Testosterone should be used cautiously with warfarin
because testosterone can reduce breakdown of warfarin, leading to increased
warfarin blood levels and bleeding risk.

Testosterone can decrease in blood glucose, therefore insulin requirements
may change in diabetic patients.


Testosterone is a chemical found only in men.
See Answer

Is testosterone undecanoate capsule safe to take if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

Testosterone undecanoate is not recommended for pregnant women or
in women who may become pregnant. Testosterone undecanoate causes fetal harm;
therefore, it must be avoided.

Although it is not known whether testosterone undecanoate
enters breast milk, it is not recommended for nursing mothers due to high risks
of infant harm and serious adverse events.

What else should I know about testosterone undecanoate capsule?

What preparations of testosterone undecanoate capsule are available?

Injection: 250 mg/ml

How should I keep testosterone undecanoate capsule stored?

Testosterone undecanoate is stored between 15 C to 30 C (59 F to 86
F), in original cartons until use.

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