Tag Archives: triple-negative breast cancer

What Does Prolonged QT Indicate? Causes, Symptoms, Triggers

A prolonged QT interval indicates an abnormality detected on an ECG. On an electrocardiogram (ECG), each heartbeat is mapped with five different waves, namely, P, Q, R, S, and T, wherein alphabets Q through T correspond to the heart cells’ recharging or repolarizing after a muscle contraction. A prolonged QT interval indicates an abnormality detected …

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How Do You Detect Brugada Syndrome? Symptoms, Treatment

Brugada syndrome is predominantly detected by typical electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities. Brugada syndrome is predominantly detected by typical electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities, such as ST-segment elevation in the precordial leads (leads placed over the heart area): V1 and V3. A confirmed diagnosis of Brugada syndrome is made by the “coved appearance” of ST-segment with an elevation of 2 mm, observed in more …

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Succinylcholine: Muscle Relaxer Uses, Warnings, Side Effects, Dosage

Generic Name: succinylcholine Brand and Other Names: Anectine, suxamethonium, Quelicin Drug Class: Neuromuscular Blockers, Depolarizing What is succinylcholine, and what is it used for? Succinylcholine is a skeletal muscle relaxant used while performing medical procedures under general anesthesia, including tracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation, and surgeries. Succinylcholine belongs to a class of medication known as depolarizing neuromuscular blockers. Succinylcholine temporarily paralyzes the …

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Vancomycin: Antibiotic Uses, Warnings, Side Effects, Dosage

Generic Name: vancomycin Brand Names: Vancocin, Firvanq Drug Class: Glycopeptides What is vancomycin, and what is it used for? Vancomycin is an antibiotic typically used to treat colon inflammation (colitis) and diarrhea that may occur sometimes after antibacterial treatment, and bacterial infections that are resistant to other antibiotics. Vancomycin belongs to a class of antibiotics known as glycopeptides which are …

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How Does Kabuki Syndrome Happen? Symptoms, Life Expectancy, Causes

Kabuki syndrome is caused by a mutation in the KMT2D gene or the KDM6A gene, whereas, in some cases, the cause remains unknown. Most cases (between 55 and 80 percent) of Kabuki syndrome are caused by mutations in the KMT2D gene that is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. This means a mutation in only one copy of the KMT2D gene in …

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How Long Does Drug-Induced Schizophrenia Last? Drug Psychosis

There is no such thing as drug-induced schizophrenia, which is a chronic mental condition (not short-term) caused by a combination of factors. There is no such thing as drug-induced schizophrenia. Although certain medications and recreational drugs may increase your risk of schizophrenia or a similar illness, they are not directly responsible for inducing the condition. If you develop schizophrenia, it …

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What Are the Newest Treatments for Fibromyalgia?

Although large-scale studies are still needed to confirm their effectiveness, the newest FDA-approved treatments for fibromyalgia include Quell and milnacipran Although large-scale studies are still needed to confirm their effectiveness, the newest FDA-approved treatments for fibromyalgia include Quell and milnacipran. Quell is an over-the-counter transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator intended to be used for pain relief.  Milnacipran is a serotonin and …

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What Is the Immediate Management for Burns? First Aid

Immediate management for burns depends on the severity and extent of skin damage. Learn more about burn treatment Burns cause damage to skin tissue and can be caused by heat, electricity, chemicals, radiation, or sunlight. Immediate management for burns depends on the severity and extent of skin damage. While minor burns can be treated with first aid measures, severe burns …

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What Are the Nutritional Needs of an Athlete?

As an athlete, your nutritional needs vary depending on the type and amount of training you do, as well as your overall health As an athlete, your nutritional needs vary depending on the type and amount of training you do, as well as your overall health. What you eat and how much you eat before and between athletic events can significantly …

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How Serious Is Tardive Dyskinesia? Medications, Treatment, Symptoms

Tardive dyskinesia symptoms can make it difficult to carry out daily physical tasks, lowering one's quality of life. Tardive dyskinesia is caused as a side effect of neuroleptic drugs and brings about involuntary and uncontrolled movements, which include grimacing, twitching, and thrusting. It is a neurological syndrome marked by random movements that usually occur in the jaws, tongue, face, or …

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