What happens if you drink alcohol while pregnant? Alcohol use during pregnancy is a significant hazard to your baby. If you drank before you learned you're pregnant, your baby might already be significantly exposed to danger. The dangers of alcohol while pregnant have been known for many years now. Alcohol exposure is considered a major …
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What Are the First Signs of Preeclampsia? 9 Signs
The first sign of preeclampsia is typically high blood pressure, which makes monitoring your blood pressure an important part of prenatal care Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy complication that typically develops after 20 weeks of pregnancy or, in rare cases, after delivery. Many of the signs of preeclampsia are silent, and others are mistaken for normal pregnancy symptoms. This can …
Read More »How to Prevent Miscarriage: 11 Tips
While not all miscarriages have known causes, adopting certain habits before and during pregnancy may help prevent miscarriage Most miscarriages are caused by: Genetic abnormalities in the fetus Maternal infections Underlying health conditions Certain medications While not all miscarriages have known causes, adopting the following habits before and during pregnancy may help prevent miscarriage. 11 tips for preventing miscarriage Eat …
Read More »How Soon Will a Pregnancy Test Read Positive?
Although some pregnancy tests claim to work a few days before a missed period, most tests can produce accurate results the first day of a missed period Although some pregnancy tests claim to work a few days before a missed period, most tests can produce accurate results the first day of a missed period. If you suspect you might be …
Read More »Does Walking Help C-Section Recovery? 10 Tips, Exercises
Walking after a cesarean delivery is regarded as an important part of recovery exercise. Walking after a cesarean delivery is regarded as an important part of recovery exercise. It is critical to move around as much as possible after the delivery, such as going for a short walk or walking around the house. This eases you back into physical activity …
Read More »Can Not Pooping Hurt the Baby? Constipation During Pregnancy
Although the pressure buildup from constipation during pregnancy may feel harmful, it is very unlikely to hurt your baby. If you cannot poop for a day or so while pregnant, it is very unlikely that it will hurt your baby. Though a pressure buildup that results from a constipated abdomen can make you worry for your baby, it is harmless …
Read More »Can Pregnancy Symptoms Start at 1 Week? Early Signs of Pregnancy
Most women do not experience discernable pregnancy symptoms at week 1, since many early pregnancy symptoms are similar to premenstrual symptoms Since many early symptoms of pregnancy overlap with a normal menstrual cycle, it can be difficult to tell the difference between pregnancy symptoms and premenstrual symptoms, such as abdominal cramping, fatigue, breast tenderness, and spotting. As these symptoms are …
Read More »How Long Does It Take for Stretch Marks to Fade? Home Remedies
Stretch marks typically take anywhere between 6 and 12 months after pregnancy to fade. Stretch marks can take anywhere between 6 and 12 months after pregnancy to fade. They are permanent marks that can become less noticeable with treatment. Hyaluronic acid: According to studies, applying hyaluronic acid when stretch marks have just begun to appear can make the marks less …
Read More »When Do Baby Bumps Start Showing in Pregnancy?
Is it normal to show at 10 weeks? The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are called the first trimester. In most cases, your baby isn’t very big, and you won’t have a baby bump during this time, though your clothes might feel tight. Generally, by 12 weeks, your baby will fill your whole uterus and can start to protrude. As your baby …
Read More »Should I Have a Baby Bump at 17 Weeks? Pregnancy Symptoms
At 17 weeks of pregnancy, your baby bump may begin to be more visible as your fetus grows, although some women don’t show for a few more weeks At 17 weeks of pregnancy, your baby bump may begin to be more visible, although some women don’t show for a few more weeks. Your fetus is growing, and your body is …
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