Tag Archives: menopause

How to Manage Menopause Symptoms After Breast Cancer

Learn about what causes menopause symptoms after breast cancer treatment and how you can find relief Breast cancer treatment can cause menopause symptoms due to the way certain therapies affect the ovaries. Studies have shown that 25% of women who develop breast cancer are not postmenopausal, which indicates that cancer therapy may lead patients to …

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Will Joint Pain From Menopause Go Away? How to Ease Joint Pain

Joint pain due to menopause-related OA may not go away. However, joint pain due to other factors may go away with appropriate lifestyle changes Whether joint pain from menopause will go away depends on whether the joint pain is purely due to hormonal changes seen in menopause or due to other associated factors: Joint pain and inflammation are often indications …

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Does Menopause Make You More Sensitive to Pain? 12 Ways to Cope

Studies have shown that women going through menopause are more likely to be diagnosed with chronic pain Menopause can make you more sensitive to pain due to hormonal fluctuations, especially changes in estrogen levels. Studies have shown that women going through menopause are more likely to be diagnosed with chronic pain. Pain during intercourse is a common symptom of menopause. …

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How Does a Man Deal With Menopause? 5 Tips

Many men do not fully understand menopause or feel comfortable talking about it. Learn about 5 ways men can help their partners deal with menopause Many men do not fully understand menopause or feel comfortable talking about it. However, it is important for men to learn about what causes menopause symptoms so that they can help support their partners through …

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What Are the Signs of Starting Menopause? Diagnosis, Treatment

5 signs of starting menopause Learn the five signs that may indicate a woman is starting menopause. As women age, the reproductive cycle begins to slow down and prepares to stop. Hormone levels (estrogen and progesterone) that influence various systems in women’s bodies drop. The decrease in the levels of hormones gives rise to the symptoms of menopause. Five signs …

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What Are the Disadvantages of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) HRT helps to reduce menopause symptoms. But there can be disadvantages too. These disadvantages may include the risks associated with the procedure and the side effects caused by the hormones. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment that reduces menopause symptoms by changing hormone levels in the body.  Menopause is when the ovaries produce less estrogen, …

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How Long Can a Woman Stay on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

HRT can be taken continuously or in cycles. The FDA recommends hormonal replacement therapy should be used at the lowest dose, and for the shortest duration, necessary. Menopause comes to all women. At this time, your body reduces the production of estrogen and progesterone, the hormones that manage your reproductive cycle. The reduced hormone levels in the blood often bring …

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Can Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Help You Lose Weight and Make You Look Younger?

Research has found that there's no difference in weight gain between women taking HRT and those not taking it. HRT can improve the appearance of the skin, contributing to a younger look. Menopause is an inevitable stage of life for women. During your reproductive years, your ovaries produce two hormones, estrogen and progesterone, to run your menstrual cycle. Menopause happens …

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How Do I Know If My Night Sweats Are Serious?

Sweating is a normal function that helps your body regulate its temperature. You probably sweat at the gym, on a hot day, and in similar situations. If you wake up in the middle of the night sweating profusely, you might have night sweats. What are night sweats? If you occasionally wake up and are too hot or are a little damp …

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What Menopause Does To Your Brain

Perimenopause and your brain Menopause is a time when you transition from one phase of your life to the next. This change will happen physically as well as mentally. In fact, your brain will undergo significant changes throughout the process of menopause. Perimenopause is the time that it takes your body to transition from childbearing years to menopause. Women typically …

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