Fenofibrate (Fibricor, Tricor) Uses, Side Effects & Dosage

What is fenofibrate?

Fenofibrate is a derivative of fibric acid that is
used to treat lipid disorders.

Why is fenofibrate prescribed to patients?

Fenofibrate is used with dietary modifications for the
treatment of lipid disorders. It helps reduce levels of LDL-C, total
cholesterol, triglycerides, and apolipoprotein B, and increase HDL-C. It is
prescribed to patients with primary hypercholesterolemia or mixed dyslipidemia,
and hypertriglyceridemia.

Is fenofibrate available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for fenofibrate?


What brand names are available for fenofibrate?

  • Antara,
  • Fenoglide,
  • Fibricor,
  • Lipofen,
  • Lofibra,
  • Tricor,
  • Triglide,
  • Trilipix

What are the side effects of fenofibrate?

Common adverse effects of fenofibrate are
abnormal liver tests
including AST and ALT, and headache.

Less common side effects are:

What is the dosage for fenofibrate?


  • Antara: 43-130 mg orally once daily
  • Fenoglide: 40-120 mg orally once daily
  • Fibricor: 35-105 mg orally once daily
  • Lipofen: 50-150 mg orally once daily
  • Lofibra: 67-200 mg orally once daily
  • Tricor: 48-145 mg orally once daily
  • Triglide: 50-160 mg orally once daily
  • Triliprix: 45-135 mg orally once daily

Hypercholesterolemia or mixed hyperlipidemia

  • Antara: 130 mg orally once daily
  • Fenoglide: 120 mg orally once daily
  • Fibricor: 105 mg orally once daily
  • Lipofen: 150 mg orally once daily
  • Lofibra: 160 mg orally once daily
  • Tricor: 145 mg orally once daily
  • Triglide: 160 mg orally once daily
  • Trilipix: 135 mg orally once daily

Which drugs or supplements interact with fenofibrate?

Bile acid sequestrants (colestipol
[Colestid], cholestyramine
[Questran, Questran Light]) may
decrease the absorption of fibric acid and reduce their effectiveness.

acid derivatives may increase the adverse effects of colchicine
(Colcrys) on muscle

Cyclosporine may increase the toxic effects of fibric acid derivatives
on the kidney while fibric acid derivatives may decrease blood levels of

Fenofibrate and its derivatives may increase the adverse effects
associated with
(Zetia), HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins), and
sulfonlyureas. Fibric acid derivatives may increase the anticoagulation
(blood-thinning) benefits of warfarin

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Is fenofibrate safe to take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?

Fenofibrate is classified as pregnancy category C. Use of
fenofibrate in pregnant females has not been adequately evaluated. Fenofibrate
should be avoided during pregnancy unless the benefits justify the potential
risk to the fetus.

Fenofibrate should not be used in nursing mothers; however,
it is unknown whether fenofibrate is excreted into
breast milk.

What else should I know about fenofibrate?

What preparations of fenofibrate are available?
  • Oral capsules: 50 and 150 mg fenofibrate; 50 and 150 mg Lipofen
  • Oral tablets: 48, 54, 145, and 160 mg fenofibrate; 40 mg Fenoglide; 54 and
    160 mg Lofibra; 48 and 145 mg Tricor; 50 and 160 mg Triglide
  • Micronized oral capsules: 30 and 90 mg Antara; 43, 67,130, 134, and 200 mg
    fenofibrate; 67, 134, and 200 mg Lofibra
How should I keep fenofibrate stored?

Fenofibrate products should be stored at room temperature, between
15 C to 30 C (59 F to 86 F).

How does fenofibrate work?

Fenofibrate is a prodrug, which means that it must be
converted to another chemical (fenofibric acid) in the body before it can work.

Fenofibric acid increases the activity of lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme that
breaks down triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood. It also affects
production, transportation, and storage of triglycerides. Overall benefits of
fenofibrate use include a 30%-60% decrease in total blood triglycerides, a
modest increase in
high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C, commonly known
as "good" cholesterol), and a decrease in low density lipoprotein cholesterol
(LDL-C, commonly known as "bad" cholesterol) and total cholesterol.

Fenofibrate products are available in multiple strengths and dosage forms.
Fenofibrate formulations are not bioequivalent and are not interchangeable
except for generic equivalents.

When was fenofibrate approved by the FDA?

Fenofibrate was approved by the FDA in February 1998.

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