Tag Archives: healthy kids

What Happens After a Baby Is Born?

While you're pregnant, you may constantly think about your baby's birth. But after your baby is born, a lot is going on, and there's plenty you need to do.  The first thing both doctors and mothers focus on is skin-to-skin contact, as research has found that it helps with bonding. In most cases, the doctor will place …

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At What Age Do You Correct Pigeon Toe? Treatment

Pigeon toe usually corrects itself by the time a child turns 8 years old. In severe cases, early casting may be used for children over 6 months old Pigeon toe usually corrects itself by the time a child turns 8 years old.  In severe cases, early casting may be used for children over 6 months old. The casting is done …

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What Is the Life Expectancy of Someone with Spinal Muscular Atrophy?

The survival rate for children with SMA type 1 is about 7 years old with a mortality rate of 95 percent by 18 months old. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a hereditary disorder characterized by progressive muscle weakening and atrophy (when the muscles get smaller). Children with SMA may find it difficult to crawl, walk, sit, or control head motions. …

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What Are Good Chores for a Young Child (5 to 8 Years)?

Benefits of giving young children chores Giving your children chores has benefits that will last a lifetime. One study done at the University of Minnesota found that the best predictor of success for young adults in their 20s was whether they had to do chores when they were young. Children who do chores develop skills that will help them succeed …

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What Causes Aarskog Scott Syndrome? Symptoms, Treatment

Aarskog syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by mutations in a gene called FGD1. Aarskog Scott syndrome (also called Aarskog syndrome, Aarskog disease, faciodigitogenital syndrome, or faciogenital dysplasia) is a rare genetic disease. The exact cause of Aarskog Scott syndrome is not known in most cases. In about 20 percent of the cases, however, the cause of Aarskog Scott syndrome …

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What Causes Pigeon Chest? Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis

Pigeon chest (pectus carinatum) is caused by an abnormal development of cartilage connecting the ribs. Pigeon chest (pectus carinatum) is the second most common chest abnormality seen in children. The breastbone, also known as the sternum, protrudes outward and shapes the chest to a bird-like appearance, hence the name pigeon chest. The exact cause of this condition is unknown, but …

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What Are Good Chores for a Teenager (13 to 17) Years?

The benefits of chores for teenagers Your teenager probably has a lot going on. At this age, teens are becoming more and more independent and peer-focused. Your older teenager may already seem to have one foot out the door. However, teens can still benefit from doing chores and you can benefit from their help.  If your teenager isn't used to …

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What Are Good Chores for a Pre-Teen (9 to 12 Years)?

The benefits of chores for pre-teens Children in the middle childhood years start to turn to their friends for support and approval rather than their families. This is a normal and healthy part of your child's development. But you still want to maintain a close relationship with your child. Doing chores together is one way you can strengthen family bonds. …

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What Should Parents Expect in the Tween Years?

What are the tween years? The tween years are the ages between 8 and 12 years old. They are sometimes called middle childhood. Kids in this age group aren't teenagers yet, but they also aren't little kids anymore.  The tween years come with a lot of changes. It’s a time when children are gaining maturity and getting more independent from …

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What 5 Qualities Make a Good Dad?

Why good fathers are important Your parenting will have a real effect on what kind of grown-up your child becomes. Children are born with a set of genetic traits, and these are important. But parenting matters. We know this because children with problem behaviors frequently improve when their parents learn better child-rearing practices.   For years, mothers did most of …

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