Muscular dystrophy causes progressive muscle weakness, and each stage presents with different symptoms Muscular dystrophy is a group of diseases that cause progressive muscle weakness, resulting from defects in the gene responsible for muscle formation. There are different types of muscular dystrophy, and they differ from each other in terms of their symptoms and the …
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How Can I Help My Toddler With Sleep Problems?
Most toddlers need about 10 to 14 hours of sleep a day, which includes one to two daytime naps. Help your toddler with sleep problems by making sleep times fun, keeping a regular bedtime schedule, having a regular bedtime routine, ensuring your toddler has a balanced daytime schedule and applying other strategies. They say that 90 percent of parenting is …
Read More »What Are the Different Types of Language Disorders?
A language disorder affects the way a child comprehends or uses language There are three different types of language disorders: Receptive language disorder: Children with receptive language disorder have difficulty understanding language. They struggle to comprehend words they hear or read, as well as what others are saying. They often respond in ways that don’t make sense. Expressive language disorder: …
Read More »Why Is My Child’s Hair Falling Out? Hair Loss in Kids
Hair loss in children isn’t uncommon, and may be caused by certain health conditions While many adults expect to lose hair as they age, hair loss in children can be alarming. While it’s not uncommon, it’s important to understand what is causing your child’s hair to fall out. The following types of hair loss are normal and reversible: Newborns: As …
Read More »How Do You Identify Developmental Delays?
According to the CDC, about one in six children in the United States has one or another kind of developmental delay or developmental disability. Possible signs of developmental delay include a baby not being able to hold their head up by 4 months of age; can't sit well by 10 months of age; doesn't move their arms or legs; has …
Read More »How to Identify Cold Symptoms in Children
Here’s what to look for to determine whether your child is sick with a cold Looking after a child is certainly not child’s play. Children have their own unique ways of expressing themselves, which may not always be easy to understand for adults. This is especially true when a child isn’t feeling well. Colds are one of the most common …
Read More »What Are the 3 Patterns of Sensory Processing Disorders?
Learn about the 3 patterns of sensory processing disorders (SPDs) and how they affect the senses Sensory processing disorders (SPDs) are classified into three broad patterns: Pattern 1: Sensory modulation disorder. The affected person has difficulty in responding to sensory stimuli. They may be over-responsive, under-responsive, or crave stimuli. Pattern 2: Sensory-based motor disorder. The affected person has difficulty with …
Read More »What Should My Child Be Doing at 2 Years?
At two years old, developmental milestones are directed at behaviors that can display a range of cognitive and physical accomplishments. At 2 years old, your child should be able to walk up the stairs, scribble, run, kick a ball, join in during family mealtimes and other activities. At two years old, developmental milestones are directed at behaviors that can display …
Read More »How Can You Tell if Your Baby Has an Earache?
The most common symptom of an ear infection is pain. You can tell if you baby has a ear infection because they may cry, have a fever, not want to eat, have trouble sleeping and exhibit other symptoms. The most common symptom of an ear infection is pain. Older children can tell you that their ears hurt. Babies may cry …
Read More »What Causes Mesenteric Lymphadenitis? Swollen Lymph Nodes
Mesenteric lymphadenitis is an inflammatory condition that causes swollen lymph nodes in the stomach Mesenteric lymphadenitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the lymph nodes in the mesentery, which is the membrane that connects the bowel to the abdominal wall. It mainly affects children and teens. This painful condition can mimic appendicitis or intussusception, a condition in which part of …
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