Tag Archives: healthy kids

What Are the 5 Stages of Child Development?

Children undergo various changes in terms of physical, speech, intellectual and cognitive development gradually until adolescence. The five stages of child development include the newborn, infant, toddler, preschool and school-age stages. Children undergo various changes in terms of physical, speech, intellectual and cognitive development gradually until adolescence. Specific changes occur at specific ages of life. …

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What Should I Expect From My 11-Year-Old Boy?

If you have an 11-year-old boy, here is everything you need to know about how they are developing The tween years are a period of considerable change. Once a boy reaches 11 years old, he is no longer a young child, but a preteen who is discovering the world.  At this age, boys undergo a lot of changes physically, emotionally, …

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What Should I Expect From My 11-Year-Old Daughter?

Here’s what to expect while parenting an 11-year-old girl and how you can help her Age 11 often means huge physical, emotional, and cognitive changes in your daughter. During this tween stage, she is making an important transition from childhood to adulthood.  At this age, your daughter will start to understand the concept of sexuality, expand her intellectual interests, and …

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What Happens at a Sports Physical For a Teenage Girl?

A sports physical exam is also called preparticipation physical examination (PPE) or sports physical. At a sports physical for a teenage girl, the doctor will take a detailed medical history and perform a medical exam to clear your daughter to participate in sports. Staying physically active is important for everyone. Starting early is always good as far as physical activity …

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What Should a 3- to 4-Year-Old Be Doing? Developmental Milestones

Learn about developmental milestones for 3- to 4-year-olds and how you can help their progress If you have survived the toddler years, you may be wondering what to expect with your preschooler. Your child will continue to grow and develop during these next few years in important ways both physically and emotionally. While each child is different, your 3- to …

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How Can I Get My Teenager to Move?

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Get your teenager to move by modeling healthy behavior, making activity fun, praising them for being active, limiting screen time and employing other strategies. They say a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. With the growing incidence of childhood obesity worldwide, your child needs to be physically active. The American Heart …

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What Can Teens Do to Be Safe on the Internet?

The internet is a thrilling, enriching as well as a dangerous place to be. Help teens stay safe on the internet by teaching them about the importance of privacy, credibility, online safety and taking other precautions. The internet is a thrilling, enriching as well as a dangerous place to be. The fact that a fair share of the realm of …

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What Is Normal Behavior for a 12-Year-Old Girl?

A 12-year-old girl is not a teenager yet not exactly a child anymore. Normal behavior for a 12-year-old girl may include mood swings, increasing technological savvy, development of new interests and other changes. A 12-year-old girl may be talkative, noisy, funny and getting smarter. The girl is at the cusp of puberty. Everything is changing. They are not teenagers yet …

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How Do I Deal With My 16-Year-Old Son?

A 16-year-old boy feels that he is a grown-up, yet he behaves like a kid. Deal with your 16-year-old son by allowing him to explore his interests, giving him space, praising him when he takes responsibility and using other strategies. Sweet 16 is special. A 16-year-old boy feels that he is a grown-up, yet he behaves like a kid. Boys …

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How Do I Deal With My 16-Year-Old Daughter?

Your 16-year-old daughter is becoming more independent. Deal with your 16-year-old daughter by giving her more independence, connecting with her, being emotionally available and using other supportive strategies. At 16 years of age, your daughter is putting down roots and growing wings. Her sense of independence has set in. She is also becoming empathetic. Her critical thinking abilities are improving …

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