Tag Archives: healthy kids

How Do You Raise Twins Alone?

Even as an experienced parent, you may not know what to expect when you bring home newborn twins. Although the journey is challenging, you will learn tactics to help you overcome any difficulties you face. Even as an experienced parent, you may not know what to expect when you bring home newborn twins. Although the …

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What Age is Hardest to Parent?

A recent survey showed that parents of 12- to 14-year-old teens had a harder time than parents of toddlers, elementary school children, high school children, and adult children. From toddler tantrums to teen angst, parenting children at any age can be tough. Research shows that some people find it hardest to parent children in their middle school years. Puberty and …

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How Do You Tell If Your Child Has Allergies or a Cold?

Colds and allergies have different causes, but both involve the body's immune system. Since the symptoms of allergies and the symptoms of a cold overlap, it can be hard to tell which one your child has. When your child feels miserable, you probably feel bad, too. It's a natural parenting instinct to fix what's wrong. But when your child is …

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Why Does Teenage Rebellion Happen?

Teenagers: why do they rebel? Teenage rebellion is a leading cause of conflict between parents and their teenagers. Teen rebellion happens due to their brain development, need for control, struggle for acceptance, attention seeking, over worried parents, hormone changes and the teens' fight for independence. Teenage rebellion is common in young adults, and it's one of the leading causes of …

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How to Keep Your Child Safe From Bullying?

What is bullying? In addition to simply talking to your kids about bullying, make a practice of asking your kids about their day and their feelings. Bullying often happens at school, summer camp, afterschool programs, or online. It can range from teasing to posting rumors online to physical threats of violence. Bullying can lead to emotional trauma. Luckily, as a …

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What Can Parents Do to Help Their Child With ADHD?

Why are children with ADHD challenging? Children who have ADHD can be hard to parent. Parents can help their child with ADHD by focusing on their child's strength, keeping their child busy, encouraging outdoor activities, helping their child get restful sleep and creating structure in the home. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is one of the most common conditions …

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What Caused My Child to Identify With a Different Gender?

What is gender? Kids discover things about themselves as they get older. There's no one reason someone is transgender. As your child gets older, they'll question things about themselves. They'll make discoveries about who they are, and their gender is no exception. It's essential to understand the many facets of gender to support them during their journey fully. Gender comes …

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How Do I Get My Baby to Sleep Longer at Night?

It’s never too early to create a bedtime routine for your baby. Some of the things to include in your sleep routine include soothing activities, calming, shushing, and swaddling if your baby enjoys it. It's not uncommon for babies to wake up many times at night. You may wish your baby could sleep longer and allow you to rest after …

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How Do You Deal with a Manipulative Teenager Girl?

Teen manipulation Teenage manipulation is a form of bullying. The six ways your teen may manipulate you include asking for forbidden things, using emotional blackmail, being angry, retaliating, guilt tripping and strategic lying. Most of us know teens bully their peers. But did you know that many teens bully their parents? When a teenager is manipulative, that's a form of …

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How Can Parents Control Their Anger Towards Their Children?

Anger control for parents As a parent, when you learn how to control or manage your anger in a healthy way, you can teach children how to handle their anger better too. Anger is a natural emotion. People express it in different ways. In some cases, anger has a positive effect. It may motivate you to get something done or …

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