Tag Archives: health and living

What Are the Different Types of Seizures?

Seizures are usually categorized into three types depending on their onset. A seizure is a sudden change in the brain's normal electrical activity. During a seizure, brain cells fire uncontrollably than their normal rate, temporarily affecting the way a person behaves, moves, thinks or feels. Recurrent seizures are called epilepsy. Seizures are usually categorized into …

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What Are the Ten Basic Smells?

The science of smell may be too complex to categorize. The science of smell may be too complex to categorize. As per researchers, the scent receptors in the human nose are designed to help us identify the foods we need for a healthy body and the foods that need to be avoided. A few smells also indicate danger in our …

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What Causes Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)?

CRPS pain usually starts in the arm or leg and may spread to other body parts. The exact cause of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is not completely understood. Researchers believe that it may be caused by an injury or abnormality of the nervous system. CRPS usually presents after a trauma, infections, a major surgery, a stroke, or a heart attack. The mechanism of …

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What Happens If Arrhythmia Is Left Untreated?

Untreated arrhythmia in some individuals may increase the risk of stroke, heart attack, dementia, and heart failure. Untreated arrhythmia in some individuals may increase the risk of stroke, heart attack, dementia, and heart failure. It may lead to the inadequate blood supply to multiple organs because the heart may not function properly. Patients may exhibit symptoms such as dizzy spells, …

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Life Expectancy of a Person With Myasthenia Gravis

Most individuals with myasthenia can lead a normal or nearly normal life Most individuals with myasthenia can lead a normal or nearly normal life if treatment is started on time. Myasthenia gravis or grave muscle weakness is a neuromuscular disorder that causes gradual progressive weakness in the muscles that allow the body to move (skeletal muscles). This condition is more common in …

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What Is the Best Treatment for Tendonitis?

If you have tendonitis/tendinitis symptoms, the best treatment is RICE protocol. If you have tendonitis/tendinitis symptoms, the best treatment is RICE protocol. It means that you should immediately follow rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Rest: To provide rest to that tendon and limit the movements of that limb to expedite the healing process. Avoid heavy or any activity that causes …

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When to Call the Doctor About Your Migraine or Headache?

Almost everyone must have experienced a headache at some point in their life. You should call your doctor or visit the nearest emergency room for your headache if This is the severe and worst headache you have ever had in your life.  The headache that develops immediately after activities such as coughing, sneezing aerobics, bending, or sex. Your headache develops …

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What Are the Side Effects of Cryotherapy?

The FDA has not approved cryotherapy as a safe and effective to treat any medical conditions. Treating a medical condition, such as cancer, with extreme cold to freeze the abnormal cells is called cryotherapy. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved cryotherapy as a safe and effective to treat any medical conditions. Side effects of cryotherapy …

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Tendinitis and Tendon Injuries: How It’s Diagnosed?

How is it diagnosed? Tendons are flexible bands of thick tissue that connect your muscles to bones. Your orthopedic doctor may ask you about the details of the injury, history, and initiation of pain and physically examine your affected leg or hand for  Inflammation at the joint and surrounding. Tenderness of the tendon and sheath at a specific point on …

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What Are the Normal Cholesterol Levels According to Age?

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in all the cells of the body. Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in all the cells of the body. It is a type of fat that is produced by the liver. Cholesterol also comes from animal-derived foods, such as meat and dairy products. It is an essential substance needed by the body for various …

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