Tag Archives: health and living

What Is BH4 Deficiency?

Infants with BH4 deficiency appear normal at birth. Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) deficiency is a neurological condition characterized by abnormalities in the production and regeneration of tetrahydrobiopterin. Tetrahydrobiopterin, a naturally occurring chemical substance, which helps to enhance the functions of certain enzymes. Deficiency of BH4 leads to abnormally high levels of the amino acid, phenylalanine, and low …

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What Are the Four Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy is a condition that affects a person with diabetes. The four stages of diabetic retinopathy include: Mild nonproliferative retinopathy (background retinopathy): In this stage, there are small areas of balloon-like swelling in the tiny blood vessels of the retina. These swellings, also known as microaneurysms, may cause the vessels to leak small amounts of blood in the retinas. …

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The First Sign of ALS

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the disease of motor neurons. The earliest signs of ALS usually include muscle weakness or stiffness (spasticity). ALS typically affects all muscles under voluntary control, and the person ultimately loses their strength and ability to eat, speak, grasp things, move, and even breathe. They find it difficult to perform routine tasks such as feeding themselves …

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Life Expectancy of Someone With Marfan Syndrome

The life expectancy in this syndrome has increased to greater than 25% since 1972. People who are accurately diagnosed, adapt proper lifestyles and receive appropriate medical and surgical management may live for a normal life span (into their 70s). However, there are no guarantees. Having Marfan syndrome does not mean patients might not acquire other conditions that are common in …

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What Happens When You Get Mercury Poisoning?

Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that is widely dispersed in nature. Exposure to high levels of mercury can harm the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and immune system of people of all ages. Very young children and unborn are the most susceptible to the effects of mercury. Although mercury is known to cause tumors in rats in the laboratory, there …

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What Are the Side Effects of Having a Pacemaker?

Pacemakers are generally safe Pacemakers are generally safe; however, there may be few side effects present, which include: Infection at the pacemaker’s site Swelling, bleeding or bruising at the pacemaker’s site A collapsed lung Damage to blood vessels or nerves near the pacemakers Allergic reaction to dye or anesthesia used during the surgery There may be a 1% risk of …

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How Do I Calculate My BMI? Health Benefits

BMI is a way to determine if a person is underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese. Body mass index (BMI) is a measurement of body fat based on height and weight. The formula for calculating BMI is given in Table 1 or you can use the body mass index calculator below. Maintaining a healthy weight offers the following health benefits: …

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Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland. Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland. In this disease, there is an overproduction of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones control the body’s metabolism, so they affect almost all the organs of the body. Hyperthyroidism predominantly affects the following organs: Heart: The abnormally high heart rhythm, …

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What Causes Lichen Sclerosus to Flare Up?

The exact cause of lichen sclerosus (LS) flares is unknown. Health experts suggest that several factors may cause LS: Genetic factors: LS seems to occur more frequently in certain families. A person may be predisposed to getting the condition because of their genes. Such people may get LS symptoms when exposed to any injury, stress, or sexual abuse. Immune system …

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What Are the Ten Basic Smells?

The science of smell may be too complex to categorize. The science of smell may be too complex to categorize. As per researchers, the scent receptors in the human nose are designed to help us identify the foods we need for a healthy body and the foods that need to be avoided. A few smells also indicate danger in our …

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