Tag Archives: breast cancer

What Is the First Sign of Hypoxia? 4 Types

What is hypoxia? Hypoxemia is decreased oxygen in the blood. Hypoxemia can lead to hypoxia. Hypoxia is a condition in which there is decreased oxygenation in the body tissues. It can be generalized, affecting the entire body, or local, affecting a specific part of the body. Hypoxia can cause damage to multiple organs and lead …

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How Do You Fix a Prolapsed Uterus?

What is a prolapsed uterus? You can usually fix a prolapsed uterus with medications, home care, or surgery. Uterine prolapse is when the uterus sags through the pelvic muscles that usually keep it in place. Experts estimate that half of all women experience some degree of bladder or uterine prolapse after giving birth. However, only 10-20% of women have severe …

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How Long Does Cystic Acne Last?

What is cystic acne? Depending on the treatment, cystic acne can last for eight to twelve weeks. When a pore gets clogged from skin cells, oil, and bacteria, it can become infected, leaving a red and swollen bump. Cystic acne occurs when this infection goes deep into the skin, creating a bump that can be painful to the touch. Cystic …

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Norovirus: Symptoms, Treatment, Contagious, Transmission & Causes

Norovirus infections cause GI symptoms and can cause severe illness. The illness usually lasts two to three days and resolves by itself.Source: Getty Images Norovirus infection facts Norovirus is a small virus that is highly contagious among humans. People acquire the virus by ingesting material contaminated with small amounts of infected feces or fluids. Food and water may be contaminated …

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Sciatica Pain: Relief, Exercise, Symptoms, Strech, Diagnosis & Treatment

Sciatica is a pain in the lower extremity resulting from irritation of the sciatic nerve.Source: Bigstock Sciatica facts Sciatica is nerve pain from irritation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. The sciatic nerve begins from nerve roots in the spinal cord in the low back and extends through the buttock area to …

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What Does It Mean to Be Self-Conscious?

Self-consciousness is a heightened sense of awareness of oneself. Self-consciousness is a heightened sense of awareness of oneself. Self-consciousness is being preoccupied with oneself, especially with how others may perceive one's appearance or actions. Self-consciousness and self-awareness may often be used interchangeably; however, they are not the same. Self-awareness refers to a state of awareness about one’s individuality or personality including different …

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How Do You Know if You Have Gingivitis or Periodontitis?

What are gingivitis and periodontitis? Gingivitis is an inflammation that is limited to the gum line. Periodontitis always begins with inflammation of the gums. Our mouths are full of bacteria. These bacteria, along with mucus and other particles, constantly form a sticky, colorless plaque on teeth. Plaque is a sticky material made of bacteria, mucus, and food debris that build …

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What Is the Best Treatment for Shoulder Tendonitis?

What is shoulder tendonitis? The treatment plan will depend on your symptoms, your age, the severity of the condition, and your general health. Your shoulder is capable of a wide range of motion, and you use it in almost all daily activities. When you have shoulder pain, it can have a huge impact on your ability to live a normal …

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Strep Throat: Treatment, Causes, Symptoms, Contagious & Spread

Strep throat is a bacterial infection of the soft palate and tonsillar region.Source: 1.Getty Images What should I know about strep throat? Strep throat is a type of infection caused by group A Streptococcus (GAS) bacteria that results in a sore, inflamed throat. Most sore throats are caused by viruses, not strep bacteria. Symptoms of strep throat in adults, middle-aged …

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What Is the Difference Between Cystitis and UTI?

What are cystitis and urinary tract infections? Cystitis and UTIs have similar causes but affect different parts of the urinary system. Your urinary tract is made up of your kidneys, ureters, and bladder. Your body uses this system to rid itself of waste, including bacteria. Your kidneys produce urine, which travels to the bladder for storage before emptying through the …

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