Should I Go to the ER for Coughing Up Blood? 3 Stages, Causes

coughing up blood
If you cough more than a few teaspoons of blood or if you’ve been coughing blood for more than a week, then you should go to the ER immediately.

If you notice more than a few teaspoons of blood while coughing or you have been coughing blood for more than a week, you should immediately go to the ER. Also, if you notice these symptoms, you should call the ER right away.

Coughing up blood could be a sign of a serious medical condition. If left untreated, the underlying causes may aggravate and lead to other complications.

What are the different stages of hemoptysis?

Hemoptysis is divided into different types based on the blood amount coughed up over 24 hours.

The three main types of hemoptysis include:

  • Scant or mild hemoptysis: Coughing up less than 20 mL or less than a tablespoon indicates mild hemoptysis.
  • Non–life-threatening or nonmassive hemoptysis: Also known as moderate or submassive hemoptysis, this condition refers to when there is coughing up of blood between 20 and 200 mL (about a cup) of blood.
  • Life-threatening or massive hemoptysis: Refers to a condition where you cough up about 100 mL to over 600 mL, or about a pint of blood.

Why do you cough up blood?

Coughing up blood or hemoptysis can have many underlying causes. Reasons range from mild irritation of the throat to severe lung cancer.

Some of the common causes of hemoptysis include:

Other rare causes of hemoptysis include:

In some cases, while doctors may not diagnose the exact cause of hemoptysis, the condition may go away within six months.

What other conditions can cause cough in the blood?

You can cough up blood when there is an issue with the respiratory tract (hemoptysis). 

Coughing blood can occur in these conditions:

  • Pseudohemoptysis: Refers to a condition where the blood comes from the upper digestive tract. Diagnosis is the only way to differentiate between hemoptysis and pseudohemoptysis.
  • Hematemesis: Refers to vomiting ground coffee–like material mixed with a bit of food.

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Should I Go to the ER for Coughing Up Blood? 3 Stages, Causes

coughing up blood
If you cough more than a few teaspoons of blood or if you’ve been coughing blood for more than a week, then you should go to the ER immediately.

If you notice more than a few teaspoons of blood while coughing or you have been coughing blood for more than a week, you should immediately go to the ER. Also, if you notice these symptoms, you should call the ER right away.

Coughing up blood could be a sign of a serious medical condition. If left untreated, the underlying causes may aggravate and lead to other complications.

What are the different stages of hemoptysis?

Hemoptysis is divided into different types based on the blood amount coughed up over 24 hours.

The three main types of hemoptysis include:

  • Scant or mild hemoptysis: Coughing up less than 20 mL or less than a tablespoon indicates mild hemoptysis.
  • Non–life-threatening or nonmassive hemoptysis: Also known as moderate or submassive hemoptysis, this condition refers to when there is coughing up of blood between 20 and 200 mL (about a cup) of blood.
  • Life-threatening or massive hemoptysis: Refers to a condition where you cough up about 100 mL to over 600 mL, or about a pint of blood.

Why do you cough up blood?

Coughing up blood or hemoptysis can have many underlying causes. Reasons range from mild irritation of the throat to severe lung cancer.

Some of the common causes of hemoptysis include:

Other rare causes of hemoptysis include:

In some cases, while doctors may not diagnose the exact cause of hemoptysis, the condition may go away within six months.

What other conditions can cause cough in the blood?

You can cough up blood when there is an issue with the respiratory tract (hemoptysis). 

Coughing blood can occur in these conditions:

  • Pseudohemoptysis: Refers to a condition where the blood comes from the upper digestive tract. Diagnosis is the only way to differentiate between hemoptysis and pseudohemoptysis.
  • Hematemesis: Refers to vomiting ground coffee–like material mixed with a bit of food.

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