How Long Does It Take To Recover From Cystocele Repair?

Women typically recover from the cystocele repair in about 4-6 weeks.Women typically recover from the cystocele repair in about 4-6 weeks.

Women typically recover from the cystocele repair in about 4-6 weeks. They may resume their daily activities, including sexual intercourse, in about 4 weeks after the procedure. The symptoms of a cystocele withdraw after its repair; however, some symptoms, such as stress incontinence, may require a separate surgery to recede.

After the surgery, the Foley’s (urinary) catheter remains in place for 1-2 days after surgery. The woman may be asked to have a liquid diet until the bowel function returns to normal. The woman should also avoid activities that cause strain in the surgical site for several weeks, which include:

  • Lifting
  • Coughing
  • Long hours of standing
  • Sneezing
  • Straining with bowel movements
  • Sexual intercourse

The complications of cystocele repair include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Injury to other pelvic organs
  • Dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
  • Failure to treat the defect
  • Recurrent prolapse

What is a cystocele repair?

Cystocele repair is a surgery to lift and tighten the prolapsed tissue of the urinary bladder so that it doesn’t fall back against the vagina.

Cystocele or prolapsed bladder is a condition where the bladder drops down in the vagina. The tissues (muscle, ligaments) holding the pelvic organs in place may stretch or weaken, leading to its sagging.

There are three grades of cystocele:

  • Grade 1 (mild): The bladder drops only a short way into the vagina.
  • Grade 2 (moderate): The bladder drops into the opening of the vagina.
  • Grade 3 (severe): The bladder bulges through the opening of the vagina.

Factors that are likely to cause cystocele include:

When is cystocele repair indicated?

Cystocele repair is generally indicated for:

  • Relieving the symptoms of a cystocele
  • Restoration of the normal structure and function of the pelvic organs
  • Preventing the recurrence of bladder prolapse
  • Repair of other pelvic defects
  • Cystocele associated bladder outlet obstruction


What is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?
See Answer

When should be cystocele repair avoided?

Cystocele repair should be avoided in:

  • Patients with vaginal diseases, such as vaginitis and cancer
  • Patients who are not surgically fit
  • Patients unwilling to undergo surgery
  • Patients who have early-stage asymptomatic cystoceles

What to expect in cystocele repair?

Before the procedure:

  • Inform the physician about your current medications.
  • Eat light meals the evening before the surgery.
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight before the day of the procedure.
  • You might be given an enema on the previous night.

During the procedure:

  • You might be given antibiotics before the start of the surgery.
  • The physician places a catheter into the urethra to empty the bladder.
  • The physician makes a small cut over the vagina to expose the involved muscle and tissue.
  • After identifying the muscle and tissues, the physician either sews the muscles and tissues in place or uses a mesh-type material to strengthen the tissues.
  • The physician may remove any tissue weakened by previous surgeries, pregnancies, or age along with extra vaginal lining.
  • The procedure may take about 45 minutes to 2 hours or more.

After the procedure:

  • You may experience discomfort in the vagina for 1-2 weeks following the surgery.
  • The physician may place a medicated vaginal packing in the vagina overnight.
  • The catheter stays for 2-6 days to give the bladder more time to function normally.
  • You may notice bloody discharge and/or odor from the vagina for 1-2 weeks.
  • Inform the doctor if you observe:
  1. Fever and chills
  2. Excessive bleeding or any discharge from the incision site
  3. Unusual heavy vaginal bleeding or discharge with a strong odor
  4. Nausea or vomiting
  5. Inability to pass urine
  6. Cough
  7. Shortness of breath
  8. Chest pain
  9. Problems with urine, such as burning, pain, and increased urgency

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