Trental (Pentoxifylline, Pentoxil) Uses, Side Effects & Dosage

What is Trental?

Pentoxifylline is an oral drug used for treating symptoms of
intermittent claudication
caused by peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

Why is Trental prescribed to patients?

Pentoxifylline is used for the treatment of intermittent claudication caused by peripheral arterial disease.

Is Trental available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for Trental?


What are the side effects of Trental?

Common adverse effects include:

Other side effects include:

What is the dosage for Trental?

The recommended dose of pentoxifylline is 400 mg three times daily
with meals. The dose may be reduced to 400 mg twice daily to reduce adverse

Which drugs or supplements interact with Trental?

Pentoxifylline reduces the breakdown of
(Theo-Dur, Respbid, Slo-Bid, Theo-24, Theolair, Uniphyl, Slo-Phyllin) in the
liver, increasing blood levels and side effects of theophylline. Combining
pentoxifylline with
warfarin (Coumadin) may increase the risk of bleeding. The mechanism for
this interaction is unknown.

Is Trental safe to use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?

Pentoxifylline has not been adequately studied in pregnant women.

Pentoxifylline is excreted in breast milk and may cause adverse effects in the infant.


In the U.S., 1 in every 4 deaths is caused by heart disease.
See Answer

What else should I know about Trental?

What preparations of Trental are available?

Tablets: 400 mg

How should I keep Trental stored?

Pentoxifylline should be stored at room temperature between 15 C – 30 C (59 F – 86 F), in a light resistant container.

How does Trental work?

Peripheral artery disease is caused by the build-up of
cholesterol plaques in arteries of the legs. Plaque blocks arteries,
reducing the flow of oxygen-carrying blood through the arteries to the muscles.
This causes pain upon
walking and reduces mobility.
Peripheral artery disease is similar to coronary artery disease in
which plaque builds up in heart arteries, causing
chest pain (angina)
because of a reduced supply of oxygen to the heart's muscle. Pentoxifylline,
through unknown mechanisms, decreases the "stickiness" (viscosity) of blood and
thereby improves its flow through arteries. This increases the flow of blood and
oxygen to muscles and helps patients with intermittent claudication.

When was Trental approved by the FDA?

The FDA approved pentoxifylline in August 1984.

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