What Does It Mean When Your Monocytes Are High?

Monocytosis or a monocyte count higher than 800/µL in adults indicates that the body is fighting an infection. Monocytosis or a monocyte count higher than 800/µL in adults indicates that the body is fighting an infection. Some conditions that may attribute to a high monocyte count include: Viral infections such as infectious mononucleosis, mumps, and …

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What Does It Mean if Your MCV Is High?

Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is a value related to your red blood cells. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is a value related to your red blood cells. If your MCV goes up, it could indicate: Low vitamin B12 level Folate deficiency (folic acid is a nutrient) Liver disease Alcoholism Hypothyroidism Carbon monoxide poisoning Aplastic anemia (a condition where the body stops …

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What Does Boron Do for the Body?

What does boron do for the body? Boron is a trace mineral that affects hormone and enzyme metabolism, immune function, bone formation, brain function and other systems in the body. Boron is a trace mineral found in many foods and in the environment. It is also available as a dietary supplement. It is called an ultra-trace mineral, which means it …

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What Causes Kaposi Sarcoma?

What causes Kaposi sarcoma? Kaposi carcoma (KS) is a form of cancer caused by herpesvirus infection. Kaposi sarcoma is caused by immune suppression, HIV infection and certain socioeconomic factors. Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a form of cancer caused by herpesvirus infection. This virus is known as Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8). The causes may include Most …

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What Causes Hirsutism in Females?

Hirsutism in females The main cause of hirsutism in females is androgens The main cause of hirsutism in females is androgens. Androgens are the substances that cause the growth of the beard and muscles in males. The amount of androgens present in a female is minuscule. However, certain conditions may cause increased androgen production in the body. There may be …

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What Are the 4 Types of Reinforcement?

Reinforcement tames unwanted behavior or encourages acceptable behavior. In behavioral psychology, reinforcement is a technique that is responsible for learned behavior. Reinforce means to strengthen or to encourage. The four types of reinforcement include: Positive reinforcement: This involves adding something to increase response, such as praising a child when they complete a designated task. This would motivate the child to …

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What Are the 4 Defects in the Tetralogy of Fallot?

Tetralogy of Fallot or TOF is a congenital heart defect that affects the normal flow of blood in the heart. Tetralogy of Fallot or TOF is a congenital (present since birth) heart defect that affects the normal flow of blood in the heart. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 1660 babies are born with this …

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Teen Drug Abuse: Statistics & Interventions

Teen drug abuse facts Individuals who begin using drugs as juveniles are at greater risk of becoming addicted compared to those who begin drug use as an adult due to the immaturity of the teenage brain. There are many stages of drug abuse, ultimately leading to difficulty in managing one's life as a result of using drugs. Individuals who begin …

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Why Do People Sleepwalk? Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Sleepwalking may include sitting up, walking around, and doing complex activities while appearing awake. It typically happens while in a deep sleep. Sleepwalking characteristically occurs during the first or second sleep cycles, specifically, during stages III and IV, otherwise known as deep sleep. Due to the short time frame involved, sleepwalking tends not to occur during naps. Sleepwalking activities may …

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What Are the Best Natural Home Remedies for Sinus Infections (Sinusitis)?

What is a sinus infection? Sinus infections (sinusitis) are usually caused by a bacterial infection that causes your sinuses to swell up. Several home remedies and treatments that you can try are nasal irrigation, steam therapy, drinkng lots of water, warm compresses, rest, sleeping elevated, and humidifiers. A sinus infection, also called sinusitis, is a common problem that causes your …

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