What Are Shoulder Muscles Called?

What are shoulder muscles called? Shoulder muscles are required for movements of the upper limb. They also give the shoulders their characteristic shape. The shoulder has multiple muscles. Shoulder muscles include the intrinsic muscles or scapulohumeral group, including the deltoid, teres major and four rotator cuff muscles. The extrinsic shoulder muscles are the trapezius, latissimus …

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What Is West Syndrome (Infantile Spasms)? Signs & Treatment

West syndrome, also known as infantile spasm, is a very uncommon epileptic seizure disease in infants. West syndrome, also known as infantile spasm, is a very uncommon epileptic seizure disease that was first described by Dr. W. West (in 1841) in his own son. Who gets West syndrome? West Syndrome is an age related disease in infants. Symptoms of the …

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Tick Types, Pictures, Symptoms, Removal Tips, Bites & Prevention

Ticks feed on blood and can bite humans or animals.Source: ThinkStock Tick facts Ticks are scientifically classified as Arachnida (a classification that includes spiders). The fossil record suggests ticks have been around at least 90 million years. Most tick bites do not transmit harmful microbes. There are a variety of tick-borne diseases. There is a wide range of symptoms that …

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What Is the Life Expectancy of Someone With Osteogenesis Imperfecta?

What is osteogenesis imperfecta? Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) or brittle bone disease is a group of rare disorders characterized by extremely weak bones. The life expectancy of a person with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) greatly depends on the type of the disease. In the most severe form of OI called type II or perinatally lethal OI, the baby is born with multiple …

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What Is Kinesio Tape? Tips for Knees, Shoulders, Ankles, Wrists

Kinesio Tape (KT), or kinesiology tape, is used by therapists to change muscle tone, move lymphatic fluids, correct movement patterns, and improve posture. Kinesio Tape (KT), or kinesiology tape, is a newly popularized modality that is used by therapists trained in the Kinesio Taping Method by Certified Kinesio Taping Instructors (CKTI). Kinesio Tape is a latex-free hypoallergenic cotton fiber tape with an …

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13 Symptoms and Signs of Kidney Failure, Treatment, Causes & Stages

A woman feeling weak and short of breath.Source: iStock Kidney failure definition and facts Kidneys are the organs that filter waste products from the blood. They are also involved in regulating blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and red blood cell production in the body. Symptoms of kidney failure are due to the build-up of waste products and excess fluid in the …

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How Does Hemlock Kill You?

The hemlock plant, known as poison hemlock, is poisonous. Disclaimer: This article is only meant to dispense medical knowledge about hemlock and its adverse events, as well as its management. It is strongly recommended not to touch or be in contact with hemlock, and inform the concerned authorities if hemlock grows in your vicinity. The hemlock plant, known as poison …

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How Does Belladonna Work?

Atropa belladonna (also referred to as belladonna and deadly nightshade) is a poisonous plant. Atropa belladonna (also referred to as belladonna and deadly nightshade) is a poisonous plant. Interestingly, its leaves and roots are used in appropriate amounts to make medicine. It contains important alkaloids, including scopolamine and hyoscyamine. These constituent alkaloids are used as anticholinergic drugs that are used …

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How Do You Calculate Body Fat Percentage?

Calculating body fat You should also aim to reduce a few inches of fat from your body. When you are trying to lose weight, your focus should not be on just weighing less on the scale. You should also aim to reduce a few inches of fat from your body. Lack of physical activities and dietary control cause the excess …

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How Can I Control My Anger at Work?

Control anger at work Our overall well-being depends not only on our physical health but also on our emotional health. Our overall well-being depends not only on our physical health but also on our emotional health. There are several kinds of emotions, such as happiness, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, anger. Happiness is the emotion everyone seeks, but anger is often …

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