What Happens When Food Is Aspirated? Swallowed or Inhaled Object

Aspiration can occur when food enters the trachea instead of the esophagus, getting stuck in your airways and triggering your body to cough Aspiration can occur when food enters the trachea instead of the esophagus, getting stuck in your airways and triggering your body to cough. If the food isn’t expelled, you can experience following …

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How Does COVID-19 Mainly Spread? Virus Transmission

COVID-19 mainly spreads via airborne particles and respiratory droplets formed when an infected person breathes, talks, coughs, or sneezes COVID-19 mainly spreads via airborne particles and respiratory droplets formed when an infected person breathes, talks, coughs, or sneezes. These particles and droplets contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. Exposure and risk of transmission increases if the infected person is …

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How Serious Is SVT? Supraventricular Tachycardia

Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is typically not serious unless you have an underlying heart condition. Learn about symptoms and when to call a doctor Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is typically not serious unless you have an underlying heart condition like atrial fibrillation. However, frequent and continuous SVT can lead to heart diseases and in rare cases, SVT can cause serious problems, such as …

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What Does Bipolar II Disorder Look Like? Signs & Symptoms

Manic episodes in bipolar II disorder are generally mild or short-lived (hypomania), and the person may be more prone to depression than mania Bipolar II disorder is characterized by episodes of elevated mood interspersed with episodes of depression. Unlike bipolar I disorder where the manic episodes are severe and persistent, manic episodes in bipolar II disorder are generally mild or …

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When Should I Be Concerned About Diaper Rash? Causes, Home Remedies

Most cases of diaper rash are mild and resolve with simple at-home remedies; however, here is when you should be concerned about the rash. Diaper rash (diaper dermatitis) is a common skin condition that affects babies. It appears as a red patch over your baby’s bottom and inner sides of their thigh and usually resolves with simple at-home remedies. Only …

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When Do Babies Start Teething? Teething Symptoms

Babies start teething at around 6-12 months, although some may begin teething as early as 4 months. Each baby is different when it comes to teething Babies start teething at around 6-12 months, although some may begin teething as early as 4 months. In rare cases, a baby may be born with their first teeth (natal teeth). By age 3, …

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What Are the Advantages of Using an Inversion Table? How To Use

The potential benefits of using an inversion table include a significant reduction in lower back pain, as well as muscle spasms and sciatica. According to anecdotal reports and certain studies, an inversion table is thought to carry the advantage of providing relief in problems that include: Neck pain Back pain caused by conditions, such as Herniated disc (slipped disc) Degenerative …

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Is Bulging Disc the Same as Herniated Disc? Bulging vs. Herniated

Although a bulging disc and herniated disc are often confused with each other, there are few key differences between the two conditions A bulging disc is not the same as a herniated disc. Although these terms are often confused with each other, there are few key differences between the two conditions. What is an intervertebral disc? An intervertebral disc is …

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Is It Safe to Drink Soda Every Day? Health Risks

Drinking soda every day can cause a lot of damage to your health because it contains so much sugar. Excessive intake can cause chronic health issues Drinking soda every day can cause a lot of damage to your health because it contains so much sugar. Excessive intake can cause chronic health issues, from obesity to diabetes, high blood pressure, high …

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When Can I Make a Baby Sit? Developmental Milestones

Most babies can sit at about 9 months and may be able to get in and out of a sitting posture with a little support. Learn about child development milestones Most babies can sit without assistance at about 9 months and may be able to get in and out of a sitting posture with a little support. Below are the …

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