What Is A GIST Tumor? Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Survival Rate

Most GIST symptoms are secondary to GI blockage caused by large GISTs or bleeding from the tumor. A gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is a rare type of tumor that develops in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. GISTs develop in a specialized type of cell in the GI tract, known as interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs), or …

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What Happens in a Cervical Dilation? Labor Sign

Cervical dilation Dilation of the cervix means widening of the cervix that occurs normally at the end of pregnancy to allow the passage of the baby through the birth canal. The cervix is also called the mouth of the womb. It is a cylindrical structure (made up of connective tissue fibers and muscles) connecting the uterus with the vagina. The …

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What Does the HPV Vaccine Prevent?

What is the HPV vaccine? The HPV vaccine was created to slow the spread of human papillomavirus and prevent these diseases. HPV is short for human papillomavirus. HPV actually consists of more than 200 connected viruses. Of these viruses, 40 are spread through sexual contact and can cause genital warts and cancer. The HPV vaccine was created to slow the …

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What Does a Patient Need for Telemedicine?

The perquisites for a telemedicine consultation are a charged device, an internet connection, the necessary app, a place to conduct the visit, headphones or earphones, pictures or medical reports and a pen and paper. The perquisites for a telemedicine consultation are A phone, tablet or computer. A charged device. A reliable internet connection. Download the necessary app. Ensure that you …

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What Causes Urticaria Pigmentosa?

What is urticaria pigmentosa? Causes of urticaria pigmentosa symptoms include: rubbing the skin, drinking hot liquids or eating spicy food, exercise, exposure to sunlight or cold, and medications such as aspirin or other NSAIDs, morphine, codeine, alcohol, x-ray dye, and some anesthesia medicines. Urticaria pigmentosa is a condition that makes your skin itch and causes discolored lesions (salmon-brown patches). You …

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What Are the Three Types of Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders are a group of mental health issues Based on people’s features, signs, and symptoms, personality disorders are grouped into three main types called clusters: cluster A, cluster B, and cluster C. Each cluster is further divided into more subtypes. Cluster A People with cluster A personality disorder have odd or eccentric behavior. They are suspicious and have difficulty …

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What Are the Symptoms of Ragweed Allergy?

16 Symptoms The common symptoms of ragweed allergy are sneezing, runny nose, itchy, watery red eyes, headache, nasal congestion, eye swelling, rashes, and coughing. The common symptoms of ragweed allergy are Sneezing Runny or stuffy nose Nasal congestion Headaches Irritated eyes Itchy, watery, and red eyes Itchy nose and throat Swelling around the eyes Itching Coughing Sinus pressure (and facial …

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What Are the Benefits of Drinking Cranberry Juice?

Cranberry juice Cranberries are lauded for their various health benefits. Cranberries, also called American cranberries or bearberries, are the fruits of the evergreen cranberry shrub. The cranberry plant (scientific name: Vaccinium macrocarpon) is a small creeping or trailing plant that belongs to the Ericaceae family. It grows extensively in the wet areas of the North-Eastern and North-Central parts of the …

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Protect Your Teeth: 19 Bad Dental Habits to Avoid

19 bad dental habits to avoid introduction You brush and floss your teeth twice a day and see your dentist and hygienist regularly, but did you know common, everyday habits may be harming your teeth? Some habits involve what (or how) you eat. Some bad habits involve what you drink. Other habits involve playing sports and doing other activities that …

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Oximetry Definition, Test, Types & Readings

What is oximetry? Oximetry is a procedure for measuring the concentration of oxygen in the blood. The test is used in the evaluation of various medical conditions that affect the function of the heart and lungs. How is oximetry done? This is done using an oximeter, a photoelectric device specially designed for this purpose. A reusable probe can be placed …

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