How Do You Deal with a Manipulative Teenager Girl?

Teen manipulation Teenage manipulation is a form of bullying. The six ways your teen may manipulate you include asking for forbidden things, using emotional blackmail, being angry, retaliating, guilt tripping and strategic lying. Most of us know teens bully their peers. But did you know that many teens bully their parents? When a teenager is …

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What Is Myofascial Tissue Release? Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Myofascial tissue release is a massage therapy technique focused on relieving pain from inflamed trigger points in the body caused by myofascial pain syndrome. Myofascial pain disorder simply means longstanding muscle pain. The soft tissues in the body support muscles and bones. In myofascial pain syndrome, the soft tissue gets inflamed and develops a trigger point, which the ache generally …

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What Causes Moon Face? Cushing’s Syndrome & Hormones

Moon face, otherwise known as moon facies, is most often caused by Cushing’s syndrome or prolonged steroid treatment and results in an extra fat build-up on the sides of the face. Moon face, otherwise known as moon facies, is a medical sign characterized by the face developing a rounded appearance due to fat deposits on the sides of the face. …

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What Are the Root Causes of Anxiety and Depression? 5 Causes

What causes anxiety and depression? Learn about symptoms and potential root causes that may increase your risk of developing mood disorders While anxiety and depression are not the same, they do share some similarities: Anxiety is characterized by excessive fear or apprehension about the future. People with anxiety often experience unreasonable and persistent stress, and sometimes deal with panic attacks …

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What Are General Methods Used to Treat Depression? 3 Treatment Methods

Depression symptoms may be reduced through 3 treatment methods: medication, therapy, and lifestyle modifications Depression is a common and serious medical illness that can severely impact your ability to function, with the potential to lead to poor work performances, strained relationships, substance abuse, and even suicide. While there is no one size fits all solution to treating depression, symptoms may …

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How Is MS Diagnosed? Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms & Prognosis

There is no specific test for diagnosing multiple sclerosis. Instead, a complete neurological exam and medical history assessment are needed to diagnose MS. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling autoimmune disease that affects the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system). MS disrupts the transmission of information within the brain and between the brain and body. It can cause …

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How Do I Talk to My Child About Gender Identity?

Understanding gender identity Children may experience a gender crisis and ask questions about their gender identity. The best way to talk to your child about gender identity is to encourage them to have confidence in who they feel and believe they are. It's not uncommon for children to experience a gender crisis and start asking questions about their gender identity. …

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How Can I Get Rid of Mastitis Fast? Treatment & Prevention

With proper treatment, such as taking antibiotics and massaging the inflammation, Mastitis symptoms should resolve within one to two days. Mastitis is an inflammatory condition of the mammary glands usually due to a bacterial infection. The infection enters the breast tissue through the damaged nipple or persistent milk buildup. Though mastitis is very painful, usually involving lactating mothers but also …

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How Can I Be a Better Parent to My Preschooler?

Being a better parent to your preschooler is about leading by example, creating routines and rituals for your child, and dedicating time to play with them. Bringing up children is a tough job — yet it is also one of the most fulfilling and rewarding jobs in the world. As a parent, you want to make decisions that are in …

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Which Glucose Meter Is the Best? Monitoring Diabetes

Here are the best available glucose meters to monitor your blood glucose levels and keep your diabetes under control. If you are looking for a glucose meter based on accuracy, Contour Next is your best option. This device has shown 100 percent compliance in accuracy testing. Other devices that have passed the accuracy-test include: Accu-Check Aviva Plus from Roche (99 …

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