What Are the Symptoms of a Torn Tendon in the Shoulder?

Symptoms of a shoulder tendon tear or rotator cuff tear may include dull pain, tenderness, swelling, weakness, or stiffness Injury and overuse are the two most common causes of shoulder tendon tears. Signs and symptoms of a shoulder tendon tear may include: Dull, deep pain in the shoulder Pain at night, particularly when sleeping on …

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What Is a Possible Cause for My Loss of Smell and Taste? COVID-19

What can cause loss of smell and taste are numerous factors, such as COVID-19, nasal blockage, deviated septum and more. Loss of the sense of smell is termed anosmia, and loss of the sense of taste is termed ageusia. The olfactory area in the nose controls both smell and taste, so any inflammation or infection to the nose and sinus …

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How Long Does It Take to Heal Shoulder Tendonitis? Treatment

Shoulder tendinitis can take 4 weeks to 6 months or longer to heal, depending on the severity of your injury Shoulder tendonitis can be very painful and recovery times vary depending on the severity of injury: Minor injuries typically heal within 4 weeks with proper treatment and care.  Moderate injuries may take about 6-8 weeks to heal.  In some cases, …

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How Likely Is Pregnancy After Vasectomy?

What is a vasectomy? Despite having a very high success rate, there are still times when vasectomies fail. This is a rare situation. Less than 1% of vasectomies fail and result in pregnancies. Vasectomy is one of the most effective forms of contraception. It’s a minor operation that cuts off the pathway between the penis and the testicles. After a …

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How Likely Is It To Get Pregnant with an IUD?

What is an IUD? Getting pregnant while you have an IUD is extremely rare. There is one out of a hundred chances that this could happen. However, it has happened before. An IUD is a mistake-proof form of contraceptive. There is no way that you will forget to take it, like a birth control pill. Neither is it very likely …

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How Does Anxiety Affect You Physically? Anxiety Symptoms

Physical signs of anxiety include rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, headache, and more Your body is wired to respond to situations that trigger fear and anxiety with a surge of a stress hormone called cortisol. This response, also called the fight-or-flight response, activates your sympathetic nervous system and is designed to help you defend yourself against perceived …

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How Do You Fix Retrograde Ejaculation? Causes & Treatment

While retrograde ejaculation is not a life-threatening condition it can cause male infertility. Learn about causes and treatment While retrograde ejaculation is not a life-threatening or disabling condition, it can cause male infertility. Therefore, treatment for retrograde ejaculation is only needed if you want to restore fertility. Retrograde ejaculation is a condition where semen enters your bladder instead of exiting …

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ivermectin (Stromectol): Generic, Uses, Side Effects, Interactions & Dosages

What is ivermectin, and how does it work (mechanism of action)? Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic medication. Ivermectin works by binding to invertebrate muscle and nerve cells of parasites, causing paralysis and death of parasites. Ivermectin is active against the non-adult form of Onchocerca volvulus. Ivermectin is also active against the intestinal activity of Strongyloides stercoralis. The FDA approved ivermectin in …

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Why Is Stepparenting Harder Than Parenting?

You may find stepparenting harder than parenting because you expect too much, as many stepparents do. You may believe that love will occur quickly and naturally. Say you are a stepparent or about to become one. You may assume that your stepchildren will welcome your love and attention, especially if the kids have been through a rough passage.   But it's …

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What Is the Best Exercise for Lower Back Pain? 7 Best Exercises

Here are the seven best exercises for relieving and preventing lower back pain. Lower back pain is one of the most common health problems that people face today. Keeping yourself physically active and including regular stretching into your daily routine can help to reduce and prevent future back pain. Deep stretching reduces muscle tension around the spine, which is essential …

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