Can Strep Throat Go Away on Its Own? (Without Antibiotics)

Strep throat generally goes away on its own in three to five days; however, antibiotics are still typically prescribed to help reduce the spread of the virus. Yes, strep throat generally goes away on its own in three to five days. Nonetheless, antibiotics are generally recommended based on certain lab tests. Many who do not …

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What Type of Skeleton Is the Human Skeleton?

Humans have endoskeletons, which may be subclassified as axial (the spine and pelvis) and appendicular (limb) types In the animal kingdom, there are three types of skeletons: Hydroskeletons (a flexible skeleton supported by fluid pressure) Exoskeletons (outer shell) Endoskeletons (support structure inside the body) Humans have endoskeletons, which  may be subclassified as axial (the spine and pelvis) and appendicular (limb) …

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What Are the 5 Parts of the Integumentary System?

The 5 parts of the integumentary system—skin, hair, nails, glands, and nerves—protect the body from environmental elements The integumentary system is made up of organs and structures that protect the inside of the body from environmental elements. The 5 parts of the integumentary system include: Skin Hair Nails Glands Nerves Skin The skin is the largest organ of the body, …

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What Are 5 of the Main Symptoms of OCD?

Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) vary, but are divided into 5 categories: symmetry, contamination, unacceptability, harm, and hoarding Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by distressing and repetitive thoughts (obsession) that often compels a person to perform a repetitive action or behavior (compulsion).  Symptoms of OCD vary from person to person, and doctors usually categorize them into specific groups. 5 main …

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Does MCV Increase in Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, there is a small increase in MCV or mean corpuscular volume, which measures the size of an average red blood cell During pregnancy, there is a small increase in MCV or mean corpuscular volume, which measures the size of an average red blood cell.  Pregnancy brings about changes in the body that nurture fetal growth and prepare the …

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Is Aarskog-Scott Syndrome a Genetic Disorder? Symptoms, Prognosis

Aarskog-Scott syndrome is a rare X-linked genetic disorder that is caused by a genetic mutation in the FGD1 gene. Aarskog-Scott syndrome, also called Aarskog disease or Aarskog syndrome (AAS), is an extremely rare X-linked genetic disorder. The term "X-linked" means that the defective gene causing this condition is located on the X chromosome. This condition is caused by a genetic …

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What Are the Five Most Important Hormonal Imbalances to Be Aware Of?

Common hormone imbalances The five most important hormonal imbalances are diabetes, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, polycystic ovary syndrome, and hypogonadism. Hormonal imbalances are typically caused by problems with your endocrine system. This system is composed of eight major glands in various locations around your body. These glands produce hormones — chemical messengers that travel throughout your body in your …

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Can You Use Toothpaste to Relieve Mosquito Bites?

Does toothpaste work on mosquito bites? While some people only react mildly to mosquito bites, others show severe reactions with intense swelling, soreness, or redness in the affected area. Toothpaste is the most accessible home remedy for mosquito bites. Female mosquitoes bite humans and animals to get blood for egg production. While some people only react mildly to mosquito bites, …

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What Happens If Chlamydia Goes Untreated for a Long Time?

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease. If left untreated, chlamydia infection can cause serious harm to your health. Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease. If left untreated, chlamydia infection can cause serious harm to your health. What is chlamydia? Chlamydia is the most commonly reported sexually transmited disease in the US. In 2018, there were an estimated 4 million …

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What Happens If You Leave a Hemorrhoid Untreated?

If you have mild hemorrhoids, leaving them alone can be fine. The swelling and discomfort will usually go away within a few days. Occasionally, though, there may be complications related to hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are an uncomfortable problem that many people have. These painful inflammations in the anus can be itchy and painful. Most of the time, you can safely manage …

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