Can Baby Position Cause Back Pain?

Symptoms of back pain during pregnancy  There are two types of back pain during pregnancy: lumbar and pelvic. It's thought that one cause of back pain is the position of the baby in the pelvis if the baby presses against the mother's tailbone and spine. What causes back pain in pregnancy? Back pain is common …

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What Are Fetal Alcohol and Drug-Related Syndromes? Causes, Symptoms

There is no known safe amount or period of alcohol consumption during pregnancy or while trying to get pregnant. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a disorder (a group of symptoms) that occurs in a person due to prebirth alcohol exposure including wine, beer, and hard liquor often leading to physical, behavioral, and learning disabilities. No exact statistics are available due to …

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Is It True That Every Woman Has Fibroids? Risk Factors

Uterine fibroids are very common, and most women will develop them even if they do not experience symptoms. Learn about fibroid causes and risk factors According to studies, approximately 80% of all women may develop uterine fibroids at some point during their lives, although not every woman will experience symptoms. What risk factors can increase the risk of fibroids? Age: The …

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Is it Better to be not Circumcised?

Is circumcision a bad idea? Circumcision is the removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis. There is no clear answer as to whether it is better to not be circumcised as circumcision has medical, ethical, and cultural concerns. Male circumcision is a deeply personal decision you make for yourself or your son. The health benefits of circumcision …

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Why Do Certain Foods Trigger Migraines?

According to recent studies, diet can play a significant role in triggering migraine episodes. Learn about foods you should avoid if you have migraine headaches Although the exact cause of migraines is not fully understood, researchers have found that migraines are caused in part by changes in brain chemicals that release inflammatory substances into the blood vessels and nerves in …

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What Is Transperitoneal Approach Nephrectomy? Kidney Removal

Transperitoneal nephrectomy is the surgical removal of the kidney. Nephrectomy is the surgical removal of the kidney. The transperitoneal approach of a kidney is the incision through the peritoneum (the tissue that lines the abdominal cavity and covers most of the abdominal organs) with the most direct access to the interspace between the common iliac vessels (large blood vessels in …

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How Many Strawberries Should I Eat in a Day? 8 Health Benefits

Strawberries can help promote heart and brain health, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of some cancers. Learn about 8 health benefits of strawberries According to researchers, you should eat 8 strawberries a day to reap the health benefits. Strawberries can help promote heart and brain health, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of some cancers. However, strawberries …

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Why Am I Not Losing Weight Despite Being Healthy? 14 Reasons

Losing weight can be very difficult, even when you seem to be doing everything right. Here are 14 reasons why you may not be losing weight despite being healthy. Losing weight can be very difficult, even when you seem to be doing everything right. If you have been eating healthy and exercising regularly but aren’t seeing any weight loss progress, …

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Can You Live a Healthy Life After Hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy is associated with long-term health issues. Learn about what happens to your body after a hysterectomy and how you can live a normal life with the right precautions Hysterectomy can put you at greater risk of health problems. However, you can live a healthy life after a hysterectomy if you take steps to eat a nutritious diet, exercise regularly, …

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Can You Exercise With Digestive Problems?

Exercising with digestive problems is complicated. The right amount and level of exercise can be beneficial for most people suffering from digestive disorders Exercising with digestive problems is complicated. While you can exercise with digestive problems, you may need to avoid strenuous workouts to avoid further gut damage. However, the right amount and level of exercise can be beneficial for …

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