How Do COPD Patients Cope With Shortness of Breath? 8 Remedies

COPD can eventually restrict activities and diminish the quality of life for many people. Episodes of shortness of breath or breathlessness (medically called dyspnea) occur in individuals with severe, life-limiting conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). These episodes may last for a few seconds to hours and occur periodically. An episode of breathlessness …

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How Can I Get Rid of a Cold While Breastfeeding?

What causes the common cold? The common cold is a viral infection that affects your nose and throat. There is no cure for the cold while breastfeeding, so you’ll need to give it time to clear up. A common cold is usually harmless, even though it can make you feel terrible. Oftentimes, the best treatment is to manage your symptoms …

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Are Plant Sterols Good for Lowering Cholesterol? Chart, Side Effects

Plant sterols or phytosterols are found naturally in vegetable oils and several fruits. Plant sterols were initially discovered to have cholesterol-lowering properties in the 1950s when they were extracted from vegetable fats or oils and pine trees and tested for efficacy.  Plant sterols are preferentially absorbed by the intestines in place of cholesterol, decreasing cholesterol levels in the body. The …

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What Is the Strongest Painkiller? 10 Best Pain Meds, Opioids

Many people suffer from everyday pain, and they turn to opioid drugs for comfort. The most powerful pain reliever is a class of medications known as “opioids,” which have a significant risk of addiction and dependency. These drugs are routinely recommended by doctors for severe pain treatment, as well as a variety of other illnesses. Opioids have gained a well-deserved …

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What Is Open Retropubic Prostatectomy? Prostate Cancer Procedure

During open retropubic prostatectomy, the prostate and surrounding tissues are removed. Retropubic prostatectomy is a surgical treatment for patients with localized to advanced prostate cancer who have a chance of living for at least 10 years following the surgery. To destroy cancer cells, the prostate and surrounding tissues are removed during the treatment. The technique is often carried out under …

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What Happens When a Baby Is Exposed to Alcohol? FASD

Learn about FASDs, how they affect children, and what types of treatment are available When a baby is exposed to alcohol during pregnancy, it can cause fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), which can lead to birth defects and developmental disabilities. Learn about FASDs, how they affect children, and what types of treatment are available. What is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)? …

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What Are the Signs of an Unhealthy Marriage? 15 Warning Signs

Identifying the signs of an unhealthy marriage in a timely manner can help you fix your relationship before it’s too late. Marriage is considered one of the most sacred relationships. It is seen as a bond that is meant to bring love, companionship, and happiness to your life. Like any other relationship, however, every marriage does not result in a …

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What Is the Survival Rate of Rhabdomyosarcoma in Children?

Survival rates of rhabdomyosarcoma in children depend on factors such as risk group, tumor location, and extent of spread Survival rates for children with rhabdomyosarcoma range from 70% to 90% and vary depending on whether it is identified as low-risk, intermediate-risk, or high-risk. Survival rates are usually presented as a 5-year survival rate, indicating what percentage of people lived for …

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Most Common Primary Tumor of the Kidney in Children

Wilms tumor accounts for about five percent of all childhood malignancies. Wilms tumor, also known as nephroblastoma, is the most common primary tumor of the kidney in children. It is often seen in children aged three to four years old and becomes less common as they grow older. It is very rare in adults. Most often, Wilms tumor affects only …

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5 Medications for Patients With Bladder Cancer: Treatment, Types

Bladder cancers can be treated with a single therapy or a combination of therapies. Many people with bladder cancer are prescribed medication as part of their treatment regimen. The drugs that a patient may receive are determined by the tumor stage, grade, overall health condition, and preferences of the patient. It is usual for survivors to be concerned about their …

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