How Do You Get a Cold Sore on Your Lip?

What causes cold sores? Cold sores, also called fever blisters or oral herpes, are a viral infection that leaves small blisters around your mouth. You get a cold sore on your lip due to viral infection from herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Do you feel a tingling, itching, or burning around your mouth? If …

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Should You Get Your Son Circumcised?

How common is male newborn circumcision? Circumcision is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis, called the foreskin. Circumcision is an option for most healthy, stable newborn boys, but there are medical reasons some newborns cannot be circumcised. Circumcision is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis, called the foreskin. …

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Does Eating More Protein Help You Gain Muscle?

Protein is an essential building block of muscles. Learn about how much protein you should eat to gain muscle, and why carbs and fats are important to include in your diet as well Eating more protein can help you gain muscle as long as you are strength training and eating the right balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats. How …

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What Is the Healthiest Salad Dressing to Eat? 14 Dressings

Here are 14 healthy dressings that are quick and easy to make at home Salads are a healthy addition to a balanced diet. However, most store-bought salad dressings are high in sugar, sodium, preservatives, and trans fats that are anything but healthy. To avoid ruining the benefits of eating your vegetables, here are 14 of the healthiest salad dressings that …

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How Do You Stop Itching That Won’t Go Away?

You can usually stop severe itching with changes to your personal care habits, home remedies, and over-the-counter medicines. Depending on the cause, you might need to see your doctor and treat the underlying problem. There are many possible causes of itching. Sometimes it’s minor, and you can treat it at home, and sometimes it’s more severe and a symptom of …

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What Technologies Are Used for Type 2 Diabetes? 5 Types of Devices

Glucose management for patients with type-2 diabetes remains difficult, especially for those with severe insulin deficiencies. Diabetes is a serious global health issue that affects an estimated 463 million adults and an increasing number of younger people globally. Approximately 90 percent of all diabetes cases are type 2, and the overall number is fast increasing, producing a considerable burden for …

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Can You Refuse to Care for an Elderly Parent? Legal Responsibility

Filial responsibility laws were enacted to guarantee that the elderly are cared for after they are unable to care for themselves. Everyone is obligated to take care of their elderly parents. Yes, you can refuse to care for elderly parents. However, filial responsibility laws obligate children to provide their parents with clothing, food, housing, and medical attention. In the United …

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How Can I Lose Weight Fast for My Wedding? 11 Weight Loss Tips

Learn eleven healthy tips for weight loss to help you look your best on your big day. Getting engaged or married doesn’t require weight reduction, but it's no surprise that women feel pressure to reduce weight before the ceremony. You may seek to lose weight, regardless of your size or how you feel about your body. It's based on the …

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Why Sperm Is Good for the Baby During Pregnancy

Is sex safe during pregnancy? During a normal, low-risk pregnancy, sex is considered safe. Intercourse during sex has a lot of potential advantages, though specific claims require further research. Is having sex while pregnant safe? Yes, during a normal pregnancy.  Having a baby changes the body, mind, and soul, so any stress relief can be healthy for both you and …

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Does Rh-Negative Blood Affect Pregnancy? Incompatibility Chart

The Rhesus (Rh) factor is a protein found on the surface of the red blood cells (RBCs). When a woman is Rh-negative and her fetus is Rh-positive (because the father is Rh-positive), the woman’s body might produce proteins called “Rh antibodies” after exposure to the baby's red blood cells that can lead to a problem called “Rh incompatibility.” Rh incompatibility …

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