Lidocaine Injection (Xylocaine) Uses, Side Effects & Dosage

What is lidocaine injection (local), and how does it work (mechanism of action)?

Lidocaine injection is a local anesthetic. This means that it reduces sensation or pain in the area of the body where it is injected and does not affect other areas. It is similar to bupivacaine (Marcaine), articaine (Zorcaine), and Mepivacaine (Carbocaine). These drugs reduce sensation or pain by blocking nerve impulses that send pain sensations to the brain. Lidocaine starts working within 90 seconds and the effects last about 20 minutes. The FDA approved lidocaine in November 1948.

What brand names are available for lidocaine injection (local)?

Xylocaine, Xylocaine MPF

Is lidocaine injection (local) available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for lidocaine injection (local)?


What are the side effects of lidocaine injection (local)?

Common side effects of lidocaine are:

Other important side effects which may be serious include:

People allergic to anesthetics similar to lidocaine should not use lidocaine.


About how much does an adult human brain weigh?
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What is the dosage for lidocaine injection (local)?

Dosing varies considerably depending on the use. Total recommended doses range from 20 mg to 300 mg.

Which drugs or supplements interact with lidocaine injection (local)?

Administering lidocaine solutions containing epinephrine or norepinephrine (which are added to prolong the action of the lidocaine) to patients receiving monoamine oxidase inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants may produce severe and prolonged high blood pressure. Such combinations should be avoided. A similar reaction may occur with drugs used to increase blood pressure (vasopressors).

Is lidocaine injection (local) safe to take if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

Lidocaine has not been adequately studied in
pregnant women. Studies in animals have not shown evidence of harm to the fetus.

It is not known whether lidocaine is excreted in
breast milk.

What else should I know about lidocaine injection (local)?

What preparations of lidocaine injection (local) are available?

Injectable Solution: 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 4%, and 5%; 200, 400 and 800 mg/100 mL

How should I keep lidocaine injection (local) stored?

All solutions should be stored at room temperature, 25 C (77 F) and protected from light.

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