Isotretinoin (Accutane): Acne Prescription Side Effects & Dosage

What is isotretinoin, and how does it work (mechanism of action)?

  • Isotretinoin is an oral drug used for the
    treatment and prevention of severe
    Acne is caused by inflammation of the
    skin. It primarily affects teenagers, but it also affects adults. Severe acne
    causes permanent scarring of the skin. The inflammation is caused in part by an
    increased secretion of sebum (oily substance) from glands in the skin (sebaceous
    glands). The sebum provokes inflammation, and the inflammation resolves (heals)
    with the formation of a
    scar (keratinization). The exact mechanism of action of
    isotretinoin is not known; however, it may reduce acne by reducing the secretion
    of sebum. If less sebum is secreted it is likely that there will be less
    inflammation and keratinization.
  • The Food and Drug Administration approved isotretinoin in May 1982.

What brand names are available for isotretinoin?

Claravis, Amnesteem, Absorica, Myorisan, Zenatane, Sotret

Is isotretinoin available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for isotretinoin?


What are the uses for isotretinoin?

Trending on MedicineNet

Which drugs or supplements interact with isotretinoin?

  • Isotretinoin is closely related to
    vitamin A. Therefore,
    the use of both vitamin A and isotretinoin at the same time may lead to vitamin
    A side effects.
  • Treatment with
    (Achromycin) and isotretinoin should not be given at the same
    time since the combination has been associated with brain swelling. (See side
    effects below.)

Is isotretinoin safe to take if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

  • Isotretinoin is harmful to the fetus and therefore should not be
    used during pregnancy. Women of childbearing age must have two negative
    pregnancy test results before therapy is started, and a pregnancy test must be
    conducted during each month of therapy. Two effective forms of
    birth control
    must be used during therapy, and pregnancy should be avoided one month before,
    during, and at least one month after stopping isotretinoin.
  • It is not known whether isotretinoin is secreted in
    milk, but because of its potentially serious side effects, it should not be used
    by nursing mothers.

What else should I know about isotretinoin?

What preparations of isotretinoin are available?

capsules: 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg

How should I keep isotretinoin stored?

Store at room temperature 15-30 C (59-86 F) and protect from

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