ipratropium bromide (Atrovent) Nasal Spray Side Effects & Dosage

What is ipratropium bromide inhaler, and how does it work (mechanism of action)?

Ipratropium bromide is a bronchodilator that
dilates (enlarges) airways (bronchi) in the lungs. It is used in treating,
symptoms of asthma, colds,
allergies, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) due to emphysema or
chronic bronchitis. Ipratropium blocks the effect of
acetylcholine on airways (bronchi) and nasal passages. Acetylcholine is a
chemical that nerves use to communicate with muscle cells. In asthma and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, cholinergic nerves going to the lungs cause
narrowing of the airways by stimulating muscles surrounding the airways to
contract. The "anti-cholinergic" effect of ipratropium blocks the effect of
cholinergic nerves, causing the muscles to relax and airways to dilate. Mucus
glands in the nose also are controlled by nerves that use acetylcholine to
communicate. By blocking acetylcholine, ipratropium helps relieve symptoms of
allergies and the common cold by preventing secretion of mucus by mucus glands
in the nose. When inhaled, ipratropium travels directly to airways, and very
little is absorbed into the body. The FDA approved ipratropium in October 1995.

What brand names are available for ipratropium bromide inhaler?

Atrovent HFA, Atrovent

Is ipratropium bromide inhaler available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for ipratropium bromide inhaler?


What are the side effects of ipratropium bromide inhaler?

The most common side effects associated with ipratropium

Ipratropium can cause bronchospasms that can be life-threatening. It can also
cause rash, itching, or serious allergic reactions involving closure of the

Because of its anticholinergic effect it may worsen symptoms of
prostatic hyperplasia and
narrow-angle glaucoma.

What is the dosage for ipratropium bromide inhaler?

  • The recommended dose for allergies is 2 sprays (0.03%) in each
    nostril 2 or 3 times daily.
  • The dose for treating symptoms of the common cold is
    2 sprays (0.06%) in each nostril 3 to 4 times daily.
  • The dose for treating
    asthma is 8 inhalations every 20 minutes as needed for up to 3 hours.
  • The dose
    for treating bronchospasms associated with COPD is 2 puffs 4 times daily and
    additional puffs if needed but not to exceed 12 puffs per day.

Which drugs or supplements interact with ipratropium bromide inhaler?

Use with other anticholinergic drugs (for example,
atropine) may increase the occurrence of side effects.

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Is ipratropium bromide inhaler safe to take if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

Studies of ipratropium in animals have not demonstrated
negative effects on the fetus. There have been no studies in humans.

It is not known if ipratropium is secreted in
milk. Other medications in the same class of drugs are secreted into breast
milk. It is not known whether the small amounts that may appear in the milk are
of any consequence to the infant.

What else should I know about ipratropium bromide inhaler?

What preparations of ipratropium bromide inhaler are available?

Nasal Inhaler: 0.03 or 0.06%. Oral Inhaler (aerosol):
0.021 mg/spray

How should I keep ipratropium bromide inhaler stored?

Ipratropium should be kept at room temperature, 15 C-30 C
(59 F-86 F). Excessive humidity should be avoided.

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