How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month: 15 Simple Steps

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month
Losing 10 lbs in a month is very doable, but when and how quickly you do it is dependent on a variety of things.

Losing 10 lbs is a significant accomplishment. Whether you have 15 or 50 lbs to go, getting started on your weight-loss journey and losing those first 10 lbs may be the most difficult. 

  • Losing 10 lbs sounds simple enough, and it may definitely alleviate certain issues with the body.
  • Although many individuals want to drop those 10 lbs as soon as possible and resort to crash diets, sudden restriction of the diet may not produce a long-term successful or healthful solution.

It is preferable to lose weight gradually and steadily to keep new healthy living habits. You may drop 10 lbs in a couple of weeks and be well on your way to meeting your weight-loss objectives.

It is advised to target 1 to 2 lbs of weight loss per week to avoid any health risks. If you aim to lose more than that, it is highly recommended to discuss it with your doctor to avoid any side effects.

What is a healthy rate of weight loss?

Losing 10 lbs in a month is very doable, but when and how quickly you do it is dependent on a variety of things.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a healthy weight loss rate is 1 to 2 lbs per week. As a result, aiming for 4 to 8 lbs of weight loss every month is not only feasible but also healthy and sustainable.

You can drop 10 lbs in a month, some of which will be water weight and some of which will be fat or muscle loss. Aim for 1 to 2 lbs each week on average while attempting to reduce weight.

15 simple steps to lose 10 pounds in a month

Fifteen simple steps that help you reduce 10 lbs in one month include:

  1. Calorie-deficit diet: A calorie deficit of 500 calories per day will result in a weekly weight reduction of roughly a pound. You must make sure that you are meeting your nutritional needs, and women mustn't dip below 1,200 calories per day. If proper nutrition is not maintained, then your metabolism may slow down and deprive you of important vitamins and nutrients. It is recommended to speak with your doctor before beginning any weight loss or exercise regimen. Many condiments and sauces include a lot of calories. Cutting them out or substituting low-calorie alternatives might help you lose weight.
  2. Keep yourself hydrated: If you believe you are constantly hungry, you may be surprised to learn that your body may be only thirsty. Try drinking enough water next time you feel hungry. Wait 10 minutes and check-in to see how you are feeling. You can even resort to fresh fruit-infused drinks and iced teas if you feel bored to have plain water at all times.
  3. Calculate your intake of macronutrients: Calculating the intake of macros will help you ensure that what you eat is equally important as how much you consume. When you count macronutrients, you are tracking nutrient-dense foods such as complex carbohydrates, protein, and good fats rather than just restricting your calorie intake and helping you prevent eating the wrong item. Macronutrients imply:
    • Carbohydrates: Provide energy, and one gram equals four calories
    • Proteins: Help build and repair muscle, and one gram contains four calories
    • Fat: Keeps you fuller, and one gram equals nine calories.
  4. Limit intake of simple carbohydrates: Studies report that eating fewer carbohydrates can be a dependable method to reduce weight. Reduce the bread basket at dinner or make some healthy substitutions, such as cauliflower rice instead of white rice or chickpea pasta instead of wheat pasta. When your body runs out of glucose, it will use stored fat as fuel. Various popular diets such as the keto diet and Atkins diet follow the same guidelines such as limiting your carbohydrate consumption to 20 to 50 grams per day and focusing on fats and proteins.
  5. Start your day with protein: To get your day started correctly, eat protein-rich meals such as eggs or tofu first thing in the morning. Eating a nutritious breakfast provides you with the energy to start your day. You must avoid the terrible midmorning energy dip that compels you to go for the box of doughnuts, especially during your work hours. Protein is a fantastic choice for breakfast because it keeps you full and may aid your metabolism. Protein should account for 25 to 30 percent of your total daily calories (500 to 600 calories per day on a 2,000-calorie diet). 
  6. Make coffee a part of your diet: Coffee may help you lose weight more quickly, at least in the short term. You may have heard that coffee may help you wake up when you are feeling tired. It improves your resting metabolic rate. However, your body may get increasingly accustomed to caffeine over time, and may not be helpful in a long-term weight loss plan. It may lead to a risk of dehydration. Hence, drink enough water.
  7. Do not overdo cardio: Spending long hours running on a treadmill may not work in long run. Even if you brisk walk for an hour daily, it may not help you lose extra pounds. Exercising resistant training in intervals will help boost your metabolism. Circuit workouts are simple to complete and ideal for losing weight. You can perform them in the gym with barbells, dumbbells, and machines. Bodyweight training is one of the greatest methods because it can be done anywhere, is quite effective, and does not require any equipment. When you exercise in this manner, your body will continue to burn calories from stored body fat for up to 36 hours after the activity. This implies you will keep losing weight even after your workout is finished. These activities will help you build muscle, which will make you look better once you've lost the weight you want to reduce.
  8. Get adequate sleep: Not having adequate sleep may cause lethargy and brain fog and be distracted. There is a link between sleep and weight loss. If you do not get enough sleep, it may be harder to lose weight. A study reported that getting less sleep is associated with higher levels of ghrelin, also known as the hunger hormone. This increases your calorie intake. Although the sleeping hours differ from person to person, the National Sleep Foundation suggests that people should sleep between 7 and 9 hours per night.
  9. Consume salad instead of junk food: If you enjoy eating junk food now and then, you can replace some unhealthy foods with healthier options. You can include more vegetables and choose whole wheat bread for burgers. Swap fries with fresh salads and avoid dressing on the salad because the dressing contains a significant amount of calories. Gradually limit the consumption of junk food, and substitution with healthy options will help reduce the pounds you intend to shed. Making this a habit will help you maintain your lost weight.
  10. Reduce stress levels: Stress is one of the causes of hair loss and reduces metabolism, leading to weight gain. A study by the Ohio State University reports that stressed women burn 104 lesser calories in 24 hours following a stressful event than those who are relaxed in the seven hours following eating the high-fat meal. You must find ways to reduce your stress levels and keep yourself relaxed to shed those extra pounds. You may indulge in yoga, meditation, taking a walk, a hot spa, moderate exercise, or a soothing hot tea with less to no calories. 
  11. Practice eating slowly: Eating slowly is one method for losing weight without altering your diet. You may be tempted to eat faster while you are hungry. However, evidence shows that eating more slowly makes you feel fuller an hour after the meal. However, more study is needed to confirm the statement, but eating more thoughtfully allows you to pay attention to portion size and appreciate your meal even more.
  12. Consume foods rich in probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms found in fermented foods that work to improve your digestive tract. These beneficial bacteria may reduce the number of calories you absorb from food, allowing you to lose weight. However, evidence on whether probiotics aid in weight loss is unclear, and further research is required. Meanwhile, you might try adding probiotic pills or probiotic foods to your diet and see how you feel. Probiotic-rich foods include:
    • Yogurt
    • Tempeh
    • Kefir
    • Sauerkraut
  13. Limit alcohol intake: Alcoholic beverages are high in calories. Beer has 150 calories or more per can and has little to no nutritional benefit. Just 1.5 ounces of booze has about 100 calories. It is a good idea to keep your drinking to a reasonable level. Even if you simply drink three beers, you have consumed 450 calories or more. Alcohol inhibits your body's ability to absorb vitamins and minerals from the food you eat. This implies that even if you are consuming healthier foods, drinking might undermine your efforts. Reducing your alcohol consumption, or not drinking at all, will help you maintain your weight loss.
  14. Cut on sugary foods and beverages: Many processed foods contain a significant amount of sugars with very little nutritional value. According to the American Heart Association, men should not consume more than 36 grams (150 calories) of added sugars per day, whereas women should not consume more than 25 grams (100 calories) per day. One of the major issues is that certain beverages contain hidden levels of sugar. 100-percent fruit juice may nearly have the same number of calories and grams of sugar as soda. Smoothies and cold-pressed juices may not have as many sugars as bottled drinks. However, they may fail to deliver as many vitamins, fiber, and minerals as just eating fruit or vegetables. 
  15. Focus on healthy foods rather than only counting calories: Stop counting calories and start paying attention to the quality of the food you eat. Natural, whole, minimally processed foods, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, or seeds, provide a lot more nutritional content in the form of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and fiber. These foods assist in naturally calming hunger and fueling your cells at the lowest level, preventing you from having persistent cravings.

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