How Long Does Vertigo Last From Inner Ear Infection? Symptoms

How Long Does Vertigo Last From Inner Ear Infection?
In most cases, recovery from vertigo takes a few weeks after the onset of symptoms.

The symptoms may last for many days and manifest themselves severely. After about one to two weeks, they often go away. However, if the issue persists for a longer time, a person may need therapy for symptom relief.

A person may get another episode of vertigo in the future. This may occur if the person rolls over in bed or even just tilts their head in a certain direction. Physical therapy may help recover from this. However, it could come back in a less severe form if it does. At this stage, the doctor may investigate other potential causes for the symptoms.

Labyrinthitis (also called vertigo) is an illness that affects the inner ear and may lead to symptoms, such as dizziness, a spinning feeling, and there is trouble maintaining balance. Labyrinthitis could be brought on by infections of the middle ear or other different ear conditions. It may occur at the very tip of the ear tubes.

Understanding vertigo

The cochlea in the ear converts sound waves into nerve impulses. It is essential to maintain equilibrium. Infections of the inner ear may result in inflammation of the components that make up the inner ear. This can cause several symptoms, including nausea and vomiting, dizziness, a sense of being off-balance, and hearing loss.

Symptoms of labyrinthitis from an inner ear infection

There is considerable overlap in symptoms between the many forms of infections that may affect the middle ear. The most notable distinction between the symptoms is that vestibular neuritis does not cause hearing loss, but labyrinthitis does.

The symptoms of labyrinthitis might occur unexpectedly and without any warning. The following are examples of reliable symptoms of the condition:

In most cases, recovery from vertigo takes a few weeks after the onset of symptoms.

Meanwhile, therapies could help reduce symptoms, such as dizziness, vertigo, and others. In addition, acute symptoms are often only present for a week, and most individuals typically recover to their full capacity within two to three months.

Treatment options

Antiviral medicine or antibiotics could be prescribed by a medical professional in very unusual cases to treat the virus or bacterium, respectively, which is responsible for the inner ear infection. However, they will often just treat the symptoms of an infection of the inner ear rather than the infection itself.

Acute vertigo is best treated with nonspecific medication, such as Dramamine (dimenhydrinate) and Bonine (meclizine).

To manage vertigo, a patient may take benzodiazepines, such as Xanax, as well to further manage nausea and vomiting. A physician may additionally suggest antiemetics, such as prochlorperazine, or a diuretic, such as frusemide, to reduce edema around the cochlear cells.

Steroid medication is another popular treatment for inflammation prescribed by medical professionals.

According to the findings of a few studies, ginger tea may prove to be an effective therapy for vertigo. According to the findings of other research (trustworthy source), ginger is an excellent cure for nausea.

In rare cases, surgical interventions, such as gentamycin injection, in the inner ear or removal of part of the inner ear could be attempted.

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